Tolling and Pricing Program
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Express Lanes Demonstration Program

Program Announcement

If you are interested in the Express Lanes Demonstration Program, please refer to the program announcement for Tolling and Pricing Opportunities under the Federal-aid Highway Program.

What's New

U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters Encourages States to Utilize Electronic Tolling to Relieve Congestion and Finance New Capacity

Federal Register Notice
February 4, 2008

Express Lanes Demonstration Program (HTML, PDF 64KB) - ACTION: Notice; request for applications. SUMMARY: Section 1604(b) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) (Pub. L. 109-59; August 10, 2005), authorizes the Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) to carry out 15 demonstration projects to permit States, public authorities, or public or private entities designated by States, the authority to collect a toll from a motor vehicle on an eligible toll facility. This notice invites States, public authorities, or other entities as designated by States to apply to participate in the Express Lanes Demonstration Program. It also presents guidelines for program applications and participation. DATES: Applications must be received no later than May 31, 2009.

This new demonstration program permits tolling on selected facilities to manage high levels of congestion, reduce emissions in a non-attainment or maintenance area under the Clean Air Act Amendments, or finance added Interstate lanes for the purpose of reducing congestion.

The Secretary is authorized to carry out 15 demonstration projects through 2009 to allow States, public authorities, or public or private entities designated by States to collect a toll from motor vehicles at an eligible toll facility for any highway, bridge, or tunnel, including on the Interstate. An "eligible toll facility" includes those accomplishing any of the following:

  • manage high levels of congestion typically by varying the toll price by time of day or level of traffic;
  • reduce emissions in a non-attainment area or maintenance area;
  • finance the expansion of a highway, for the purpose of reducing traffic congestion, by constructing one or more additional lanes (including bridges, tunnels, supports, or other necessary structures) on the Interstate System.

Qualified Demonstration Projects may consist of:

  • variable pricing by time of day or level of traffic, as appropriate to manage congestion or improve air quality, is required if an HOV facility is tolled; for a non-HOV facility, variable pricing is optional;
  • motor vehicles with fewer than 2 occupants may be permitted to use HOV lanes as part of a variable toll pricing program;
  • automatic toll collection is required in express lanes to optimize free flow of traffic; and
  • toll revenue may only be used for debt service, reasonable rate of return on private financing, operation and maintenance costs, or any eligible title 23 or 49 project if the facility is being adequately maintained.

Federal share of project cost of a facility tolled under this program, including installation of the toll collection facility, is not to exceed 80 percent.

Program Contact

Wayne Berman