Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Coordinating Military Deployments on Roads and Highways:
A Guide for State and Local Agencies

May 2005

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Transportation
Room 3408400 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: 202.366.4628
Fax: 202.366.3225
Web site:


Table of Contents

[ Cover ] [ Acknowledgement ] [ Notice ] [ Quality Assurance Statement ]
[ Form DOT F 1700.7 ] [ SI Conversion Factors ] [ Letter ] [ List of Figures and Tables ]
empty cell Introduction and Purpose of the Guide
empty cell Purpose of the Guide
empty cell Typical Users of this Guide
empty cell How to Use This Guide
empty cell Organization of this Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction to Current Military Deployment Concepts
empty cell Current Military Deployment Strategy
empty cell Deployment Coordination and Communication
empty cell Federal and Military Threat Levels and Advisory Systems
Chapter 2 Roles and Responsibilities of Key State and Local Agencies During Military Deployments
empty cell State Department of Transportation
empty cell State Department of Public Safety and Law Enforcement Agencies
empty cell Emergency Management
empty cell State Defense Movement Coordinator
empty cell Military Deploying Installation Offices
empty cell Commercial Seaports of Embarkation
empty cell Special Situations
Chapter 3 Typical Military Deployment Movements on Public Roads
empty cell Military Road Deployment Concepts
empty cell Major Phases of a Typical Military Deployment
empty cell State Agency Checklists for Typical Military Deployments
empty cell Additional Special Circumstances and Considerations for State Agencies
Chapter 4 Recommended Coordination Procedures
empty cell Developing Coordination Procedures
empty cell Action Steps for Developing Coordination Procedures or Plans
Chapter 5 Technologies Supporting Military Deployments
empty cell Automated Planning Tools and Technologies
empty cell Basic Communication Devices used During Convoy Operations
empty cell Advanced Communication Devices and Systems used During Convoy Operations
empty cell Integrated Technical Systems Used During Convoy Operations
empty cell Traffic Management and Emergency Operations Centers
Chapter 6 Special Considerations
Appendix A List of Power Projection Platforms
Appendix B Military Convoy Movement Facts
Appendix C Key Terms
Appendix D Acronyms
Appendix E References
Office of Operations