Freight Professional Development Program
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane, and freight train
Office of Operations - 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Talking Freight Seminar Series

The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) Office of Freight Management and Operations and the Office of Planning host the "Talking Freight" seminars. The seminars are part of a broader Freight Professional Development Program aimed at providing technical assistance, training, tools, and information to help the freight and planning workforce meet the transportation challenges of tomorrow. Seminars are held on a monthly basis throughout the year and are open at no cost to all interested parties in both the public and private sectors.

  • Read more about Talking Freight [HTML, PDF 157KB]

Register for Upcoming Seminars

To register for a seminar, select the seminar topic in the table below. You will be taken to a registration form on the National Highway Institute Web site. You must register individually for each seminar in which you are interested. When registering you will be asked to enter your name, organization, phone number, and email address. This information will only be used to keep track of seminar participation and will not be shared with others. Please make sure you enter your email address correctly, as you will be sent login information via email. If you register for a seminar and later find out you can no longer attend, please inform Jennifer Symoun (SAIC) via email at

Upcoming Seminars
Date & Time Topic Description of Topic Speakers, Affiliations and Topics
November 7, 2008
1:00-2:30 pm ET
Final Rule on Projects of National and Regional Significance Evaluation and Rating The Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) program was established under Section 1301 of SAFETEA-LU to provide grants to States for critical, high-cost transportation infrastructure facilities that address critical national economic and transportation needs. The Federal Highway Administration has recently released its final rule on PNRS Evaluation and Rating that establishes the required evaluation and rating guidelines for proposed projects. During this Talking Freight session FHWA staff will discuss these regulations in detail.
  • Tony Furst, FHWA
    Ed Strocko, FHWA
November 19, 2008
1:00-2:30 pm ET
Freight and Land Use Freight transportation planning, and its associated land use impacts, is a critical planning issue. Modern freight standards are increasingly leading to the obsolescence of older and established industrial and freight-related districts in metropolitan areas. The challenge of consolidating existing developed sites with differing owners, in combination with expected citizen opposition to expansion plans in some areas, leads many freight dependent industries to relocate to suburban and rural areas. MPOs are increasingly faced with addressing the transportation challenges created by these shifting freight movement patterns. This seminar will identify strategies that MPOs can apply to improve coordination between freight-related land use planning and transportation planning.
  • Jim Dwyer, Port of Baltimore
  • Anne Strauss-Wieder, A. Strauss-Wieder, Inc.
  • Daniel Rodriguez, Department of City and Regional Planning University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
  • Caroline Marshall, Atlanta Regional Commission

Past Seminars

All Talking Freight seminars are recorded and are available for viewing online after the seminar has past. An archive of presentations, recordings, podcasts, and transcripts from all past Talking Freight Seminars is available at

Freight Planning LISTSERV

Information about the Talking Freight Seminar Series, including upcoming topics and registration availability, is distributed through the Freight Planning LISTSERV. The LISTSERV also provides a venue for exchanging information about freight planning among public and private sector professionals. There are over 400 subscribers, comprised of transportation professionals from State DOTs, MPOs, professional associations, businesses, the academic community, and others.

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Office of Operations