Freight Professional Development Program
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane, and freight train
Office of Operations - 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance

The FPD program provides State DOTs and MPOs with technical assistance on a broad range of freight related topics, through a variety of formats. The program offers seminars and workshops, facilitates peer exchanges, develops data analytical tools, promotes data standards, and works with freight professionals on specific projects and needs.

In addition to the links below, you can view a listing of FHWA sponsored Technical Assistance and Training Opportunities.

Position Description for a State-Level Freight Coordinator

With the growth in freight volumes and associated needs and requirements across the country, many State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are hiring professionals to serve as freight specialists and coordinators within their respective organizations. Some State DOTs have also created distinct freight offices or taskforces to deal with current and projected freight demand. Recognizing this, FHWA reviewed existing position descriptions and incorporated the information from the AASHTO/FHWA Partnership Meeting in Columbus, Ohio into a "freight coordinator" position description that States and MPOs can use in its entirety or in part when filling freight positions.

  • Position Description [HTML, DOC 59KB]

National State Departments of Transportation Freight Directory

A freight directory listing of National State Departments of Transportation. [PDF 190KB]

Talking Freight Seminar Series

These monthly FHWA-sponsored net-conference seminars provide a convenient and no-cost way for transportation practitioners to learn about the latest trends, tools, and noteworthy practices in freight transportation. Seminars are held via a combination of the web and telephone. A one-time, easily downloadable plug-in is required for first-time users, and is available at time of registration.

Freight Planning LISTSERV

The Freight Planning LISTSERV provides a venue for exchanging information about freight planning among public and private sector professionals. There are over 400 subscribers, comprised of transportation professionals from State DOTs, MPOs, professional associations, businesses, the academic community, and others.

Freight Peer-to-Peer Program

The Freight Peer-to-Peer program (P2P) is available now. The program will put freight transportation professionals in-touch with experts in the field in order to enhance overall freight skills and knowledge. Read More

Data and Analytical Tools

Vehicle Size and Weight

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Office of Operations