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Improper and Illegal RIN Trading Practices

It has come to our attention that certain RIN transactions are being conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the regulations and may subject the violator to civil penalties.

Below are three situations that we have been told have occurred involving RIN transactions. For each situation, the associated problems are explained and proper remedial actions are provided. If a violation has occurred, the remedial actions will help correct the violation. Such remedial acts will be considered by EPA in mitigating any penalty imposed because of the violation.

Situation 1:

Assigned RINs are transferred to a party with a volume of renewable fuel using an invoice as the title-transferring Product Transfer Document (PTD). After the sale has been made, it is discovered that there was either a billing or volume error. Subsequently, the seller "recalls" the RINs originally assigned to the volume of fuel and issues a corrected PTD, typically a reissued invoice, referencing different RINs; i.e., the seller previously sold renewable fuel to the buyer with properly assigned RINs and while correcting the invoice, the seller assigns different RINs to the same volume of fuel.

Problem: First, if the seller in this case is a renewable fuel producer, then transferring a volume of renewable fuel without the correct number of RINs attached is a violation of 80.1128(a)(6). Second, for any party selling renewable fuel with assigned RINs, the practice of "recalling" RINs and reissuing different RINs is a violation. The potential violation results from a) the requirement that assigned RINs must be transferred along with the transfer of a specific volume of renewable fuel, and, b) the prohibition against transferring assigned RINs without simultaneously transferring ownership of a volume of renewable fuel to that same party on the same day. See §80.1126(e); 80.1128(a)(3); 80.1160(b)(4). Third, since ownership of assigned RINs is transferred when ownership of the fuel is transferred, any assigned RINs become the possession of the buyer at the time the RINs are received by the buyer. Therefore, in the situation above, the selling party no longer owns the valid RINs that were originally transferred with the volume of renewable fuel, and the selling party cannot simply "recall" RINs that the party no longer owns in order to issue new RINs.

Remedial Actions:

Remedial Action for Producers who are not Marketers

Remedial Action for Marketers and Producers who are also marketers

Situation 2:

Assigned RINs (with a K code of 1) are transferred to a buyer, but no renewable fuel accompanies the RINs.

Problem: The regulations specify that "an assigned RIN cannot be transferred without simultaneously transferring a volume of renewable fuel to the same party." See §80.1128(a)(3). In addition, the regulations state that "no person shall: transfer to any person a RIN with a K code of 1 without transferring an appropriate volume of renewable fuel to the same person on the same day. See §80.1160(b)(4). Thus, an attempt to transfer assigned RINs without a volume of fuel is a violation under EPA regulations and the ownership of the RINs does not transfer to the would-be buyer.

Remedial Actions:

Mailing Addresses:

US Mail:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fuels Programs (6406J)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460

Commercial Delivery:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Fuels Programs
Room 647C; 202-343-9038
1310 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Situation 3:

A PTD is sent several weeks after the transfer of custody of the fuel, or assigned RINs are transferred after the PTDs are sent.

Problem: The regulations specify that any time a party transfers ownership of a renewable fuel, the transferor must provide to the transferee documents which identify the fuel and provide information regarding assigned RINs. See §80.1153(a). The regulations identify the PTD as the document used by the parties to transfer ownership of a volume of renewable fuel. See §80.1153(a)(5). Because a PTD must be provided "any time" that ownership of a volume of fuel is transferred, we expect that the PTD normally will be transferred with the custody of the fuel or shortly thereafter.

The regulations also require that assigned RINs must be recorded on the PTD used to transfer ownership of the fuel or on a separate document that is transferred to the same party on the same day as the PTD used to transfer ownership of the fuel. The regulations are clear with regard to this issue. See §80.1128(a)(7); Q&As 9.7 and 9.12.

Remedial Actions:

For more information, contact Scott Christian (Christian.Scott@epamail.epa.gov) 202-343- 9498 or Anthony Miller (Miller.Anthony@epamail.epa.gov) 202-343-9728.

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