Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
Civil Rights

Training Suite

Equal Opportunity Training for Supervisors and Managers

Purpose of Training

The purpose of Equal Opportunity training for managers and supervisors is to increase their awareness of specific Equal Opportunity-related responsibilities they have unique to their positions in the organization.

About Equal Opportunity Training for Supervisors and Managers

Equal Opportunity training for supervisors and managers is a key element of success is effectively implementing the Affirmative Programs of Equal Employment Opportunity, including:

  • Knowledge of the annual Management Directive-715 assessment process
  • Awareness of the Disability Employment Program and reasonable accommodation procedures
  • Comprehension of their role and responsibility in the Equal Opportunity/EEO process
  • Ensuring efficient processing of complaints of discrimination

Most civilian hiring decisions are made by managers and supervisors, and workforce barriers may be unintentionally caused by employee-supervisor relationships.  Awareness of program requirements and command AP/EEO goals are critical for all individuals in positions that impact the civilian workforce.

Additionally, since resolving complaints at the lowest level begins with the immediate supervisor, awareness of the complaint process, including mediation, is essential to preventing formal complaints and timely resolution when they arise.

  • Attending Equal Opportunity training will enable managers and supervisors to clearly:
  • Articulate their commitment to a fair, inclusive, non-discriminatory workplace free of harassment
  • State their expectations for employee conduct
  • Understand their personal accountability for a successful Equal Opportunity program

Training Requirement

Equal Opportunity training for supervisors and managers can take place at any time; however, it is recommended within 45 days of an individual assuming responsibility as a manager or supervisor (for both Civilians and Military).  Training may be coordinated through the servicing Civil Right Program Manager or Area/Headquarters Civil Rights Director.

Note:  Supervisor/Managerial EEO training is available at DEOMI, USDA and EEOC. 

Provider Description
Leadership Team Awareness Course This course is conducted in a joint Service environment. The Leadership Team Awareness Course (LTAC) is designed to allow senior leaders serving in key organizational positions an opportunity to explore evolving human relations and equal opportunity/equal employment opportunity issues in addition to gaining a complete understanding of how these issues impact the unit cohesion and mission effectiveness/readiness.

The course is five days in duration.  The LTAC is targeted for Commanders and key staff or department heads to include their Silver or Gold Badge Command Chiefs (E-7 to E-9).

Senior Leaders Equal Opportunity Seminar This DEOMI course is designed to present attendees with an orientation on the intrapersonal, interpersonal, and organizational aspects of Equal Opportunity.

This course is two days in duration and is targeted towards military and DOD civilian supervisors (E-7 to E-9, O-3 to O-6, and GS-13 to GS-15)

Leadership Team Awareness Seminar The purpose of this DEOMI course is to give senior leaders an opportunity to explore evolving human relations and equal opportunity/equal employment opportunity (EO/EEO) issues in order to gain an understanding of their impacts on unit cohesion and mission effectiveness.

This seminar will raise senior leader awareness of personnel dynamics and incorporate participants' personal and professional experiences in solving organizational issues, beginning with how values and prejudices are formed and acted out. Participants are encouraged to bring real-world issues and problems to the table, give and receive feedback, and explore the impact of their personal behaviors on others, the group, and on larger organizational systems.  The program is divided into the following topics: 

  • Socialization and Values
  • Dynamics of Power
  • Sexism and Sexual Harassment
  • Leading a Culturally Diverse Workforce
  • Contemporary EO Issues
  • Future Focus

This five-day seminar is designed for senior officers (commanders and key staff/department heads O-3 to O-6) and senior enlisted advisors (E-7 to E-9); as well as civilians including legal officers, chaplains, and inspector general personnel in leadership positions.

Senior Executive Equal Opportunity Seminar This DEOMI seminar is designed to enhance the capability of senior leaders to successfully use EO/EEO programs to lead a diverse force capable of maintaining national security.

This course contains information and scenario presentations which will facilitate strategic discussion of Service-wide implications. The two-day seminar is divided into three phases: awareness, understanding, and action.

Phase I - Awareness:  participants will identify current EO/EEO issues and strategic challenges facing their service, which will impact readiness

Phase II - Understanding: participants will develop an understanding of the strategic impact of EEO/EO

Phase III - Action: participants will prepare an EEO/EO action plan to guide their leadership actions

This two day seminar is designed for all newly selected O-7 general/flag officers (active, Guard, and Reserve) and Senior Executive Service (SES) personnel.

This course is prescribed by DOD Directive 1350.2 and is a collaborative effort between Coast Guard Senior leaders and DEOMI.  Senior participants are respectfully asked to contact CG-ooH-2 at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, DC to arrange attendance at the next available SEEOS session.

EEO Training for Managers and Supervisors This course is conducted by the EEOC Commission Training Institute

The seminar ensures that managers and supervisors are up-to-date on their responsibilities under EEO law.  Participants are taught basics regarding EEO law, the process and their responsibilities with respect to EEO and affirmative employment.  Trainers use instructive scenarios and group discussion to explore the grayer areas of EEO law and how the actions of mangers and supervisors can affect the workplace.

Course topics include:

  • Basics of EEO law and theories/analyses of discrimination
  • The 1614 regulations and federal sector EEO process
  • Basic Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Techniques for identifying and preventing work place discrimination and harassment and retaliation
  • Responsibilities toward affirmative employment in the federal sector.

This two day course is designed for managers and supervisors of civilian employees.






Last Modified 9/29/2008