last update: August 30, 2007    

Comments on Surrogate Country Selection in Antidumping Proceedings Involving Non-Market Economy Countries
  Request for Comments: (72 FR 40842, July 25, 2007)  

Comments Received on August 25, 2007
  American Furniture Manufacturers Committee For Legal Trade  
  and Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bag Committee   PDF 14pp 478Kb  
  Dewey Ballantine   PDF 9pp 2.3Mb  
  Kelley Drye Collier Shannon   PDF 12pp 593Kb  
  Nucor Corporation   PDF 7pp 282Kb  
  People's Republic of China, Ministry of Commerce   PDF 12pp 557Kb  
  Sidley Austin   PDF 6pp 384Kb  
  Stewart Stewart   PDF 8pp 55Kb  
  United States Steel Corporation   PDF 11pp 448Kb  

  All Comments are in Portable Document Format (PDF)      
  Download free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them      

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United States Department of Commerce . International Trade Administration . Import Administration . 1401 Constitution Ave. N.W. Washington DC 20230
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