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Title:Three of Four Defendants Plead Guilty in SUPs Case
Date:August 19, 2002
Summary:Thomas, Naomi, and Bradley Coffee (father, mother, and son, respectively) pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Dayton, OH, in connection with the attempted sale of suspected unapproved aviation parts (SUPs) to undercover Federal agents. The three defendants, along with Jeremy Coffee (another son) and The Centerville Marketing Group, of Centerville, OH, were indicted in Philadelphia, PA, in July 1999 with conspiracy, mail and wire fraud, and trafficking in counterfeit goods or services. The Coffees were selling substandard, untested, or counterfeit aircraft parts, primarily avionics antennas, with military and civilian applications. Bradley and Thomas Coffee subsequently pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, and Naomi Coffee pleaded guilty for failing to report a felony. Sentencing is anticipated in January 2003. Jeremy Coffee is expected to enter a guilty plea on October 18. This case was investigated by the “Operation Hangar Bay” Task Force, comprising OIG, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, DCIS, and the FBI.

Related Information: OIG