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Title:Trucking Company, Owners Fined $60,000 in Hours-of-Service Case
Date:September 26, 2001
Summary:A trucking company and several of its officials were fined a total of $50,000 by a U.S. District Court judge for multiple violations of Federal regulations limiting the amount of hours a trucker can drive. David Kistler and Grandson, Inc., a Lynn Township, PA trucking company was fined $40,000, while former company president David DeLong and his mother, Faye DeLong, the company’s vice president, were each fined $5,000. David DeLong was ordered to serve 6 months in jail. Faye DeLong was sentenced to 6 months’ home confinement. As a condition of supervised release, both DeLongs were prohibited from working in the trucking industry for 3 years.

Related Information: OIG