Title 37--Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights



TEXT PDF1.1 Addresses for correspondence with the Patent and Trademark Office.
TEXT PDF1.2 Business to be transacted in writing.
TEXT PDF1.3 Business to be conducted with decorum and courtesy.
TEXT PDF1.4 Nature of correspondence and signature requirements.
TEXT PDF1.5 Identification of application, patent or registration.
TEXT PDF1.6 Receipt of correspondence.
TEXT PDF1.7 Times for taking action; Expiration on Saturday, Sunday or Federal holiday.
TEXT PDF1.8 Certificate of mailing or transmission.
TEXT PDF1.9 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1.10 Filing of correspondence by ``Express Mail.''
TEXT PDF1.11 Files open to the public.
TEXT PDF1.12 Assignment records open to public inspection.
TEXT PDF1.13 Copies and certified copies.
TEXT PDF1.14 Patent applications preserved in confidence.
TEXT PDF1.15 Requests for identifiable records.
TEXT PDF1.16 National application filing fees.
TEXT PDF1.17 Patent application and reexamination processing fees.
TEXT PDF1.18 Patent post allowance (including issue) fees.
TEXT PDF1.19 Document supply fees.
TEXT PDF1.20 Post issuance fees.
TEXT PDF1.21 Miscellaneous fees and charges.
TEXT PDF1.22 Fees payable in advance.
TEXT PDF1.23 Methods of payment.
TEXT PDF1.25 Deposit accounts.
TEXT PDF1.26 Refunds.
TEXT PDF1.27 Definition of small entities and establishing status as a small entity to permit payment of small entity fees; when a determination of entitlement to small entity status and notification of loss of entitlement to small entity status are required; fraud on the Office.
TEXT PDF1.28 Refunds when small entity status is later established; how errors in small entity status are excused.
TEXT PDF1.31 Applicants may be represented by a registered attorney or agent.
TEXT PDF1.33 Correspondence respecting patent applications, reexamination proceedings, and other proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.34 Recognition for representation.
TEXT PDF1.36 Revocation of power of attorney or authorization; withdrawal of registered attorney or agent.
TEXT PDF1.41 Applicant for patent.
TEXT PDF1.42 When the inventor is dead.
TEXT PDF1.43 When the inventor is insane or legally incapacitated.
TEXT PDF1.45 Joint inventors.
TEXT PDF1.46 Assigned inventions and patents.
TEXT PDF1.47 Filing when an inventor refuses to sign or cannot be reached.
TEXT PDF1.48 Correction of inventorship in a patent application, other than a reissue application, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 116.
TEXT PDF1.51 General requisites of an application.
TEXT PDF1.52 Language, paper, writing, margins.
TEXT PDF1.53 Application number, filing date, and completion of application.
TEXT PDF1.54 Parts of application to be filed together; filing receipt.
TEXT PDF1.55 Claim for foreign priority.
TEXT PDF1.56 Duty to disclose information material to patentability.
TEXT PDF1.58 Chemical and mathematical formulae and tables.
TEXT PDF1.59 Expungement of information or copy of papers in application file.
TEXT PDF1.63 Oath or declaration.
TEXT PDF1.64 Person making oath or declaration.
TEXT PDF1.66 Officers authorized to administer oaths.
TEXT PDF1.67 Supplemental oath or declaration.
TEXT PDF1.68 Declaration in lieu of oath.
TEXT PDF1.69 Foreign language oaths and declarations.
TEXT PDF1.71 Detailed description and specification of the invention.
TEXT PDF1.72 Title and abstract.
TEXT PDF1.73 Summary of the invention.
TEXT PDF1.74 Reference to drawings.
TEXT PDF1.75 Claim(s).
TEXT PDF1.76 Application data sheet.
TEXT PDF1.77 Arrangement of application elements.
TEXT PDF1.78 Claiming benefit of earlier filing date and cross-references to other applications.
TEXT PDF1.79 Reservation clauses not permitted.
TEXT PDF1.81 Drawings required in patent application.
TEXT PDF1.83 Content of drawing.
TEXT PDF1.84 Standards for drawings.
TEXT PDF1.85 Corrections to drawings.
TEXT PDF1.91 Models or exhibits not generally admitted as part of application or patent.
TEXT PDF1.93 Specimens.
TEXT PDF1.94 Return of models, exhibits or specimens.
TEXT PDF1.95 Copies of exhibits.
TEXT PDF1.96 Submission of computer program listings.
TEXT PDF1.97 Filing of information disclosure statement.
TEXT PDF1.98 Content of information disclosure statement.
TEXT PDF1.99 Third-party submission in published application.
TEXT PDF1.102 Advancement of examination.
TEXT PDF1.103 Suspension of action by the Office.
TEXT PDF1.104 Nature of examination.
TEXT PDF1.105 Requirements for information.
TEXT PDF1.110 Inventorship and date of invention of the subject matter of individual claims.
TEXT PDF1.111 Reply by applicant or patent owner to a non-final Office action.
TEXT PDF1.112 Reconsideration before final action.
TEXT PDF1.113 Final rejection or action.
TEXT PDF1.114 Request for continued examination.
TEXT PDF1.115 Preliminary amendments.
TEXT PDF1.116 Amendments after final action or appeal
TEXT PDF1.121 Manner of making amendments in applications.
TEXT PDF1.125 Substitute specification.
TEXT PDF1.126 Numbering of claims.
TEXT PDF1.127 Petition from refusal to admit amendment.
TEXT PDF1.129 Transitional procedures for limited examination after final rejection and restriction practice.
TEXT PDF1.130 Affidavit or declaration to disqualify commonly owned patent or published application as prior art.
TEXT PDF1.131 Affidavit or declaration of prior invention.
TEXT PDF1.132 Affidavits or declarations traversing rejections or objections.
TEXT PDF1.133 Interviews.
TEXT PDF1.134 Time period for reply to an Office action.
TEXT PDF1.135 Abandonment for failure to reply within time period.
TEXT PDF1.136 Extensions of time.
TEXT PDF1.137 Revival of abandoned application, terminated reexamination proceeding, or lapsed patent.
TEXT PDF1.138 Express abandonment.
TEXT PDF1.141 Different inventions in one national application.
TEXT PDF1.142 Requirement for restriction.
TEXT PDF1.143 Reconsideration of requirement.
TEXT PDF1.144 Petition from requirement for restriction.
TEXT PDF1.145 Subsequent presentation of claims for different invention.
TEXT PDF1.146 Election of species.
TEXT PDF1.151 Rules applicable.
TEXT PDF1.152 Design drawings.
TEXT PDF1.153 Title, description and claim, oath or declaration.
TEXT PDF1.154 Arrangement of application elements in a design application.
TEXT PDF1.155 Expedited examination of design applications.
TEXT PDF1.161 Rules applicable.
TEXT PDF1.162 Applicant, oath or declaration.
TEXT PDF1.163 Specification and arrangement of application elements in a plant application.
TEXT PDF1.164 Claim.
TEXT PDF1.165 Plant drawings.
TEXT PDF1.166 Specimens.
TEXT PDF1.167 Examination.
TEXT PDF1.171 Application for reissue.
TEXT PDF1.172 Applicants, assignees.
TEXT PDF1.173 Reissue specification, drawings, and amendments.
TEXT PDF1.175 Reissue oath or declaration.
TEXT PDF1.176 Examination of reissue.
TEXT PDF1.177 Issuance of multiple reissue patents.
TEXT PDF1.178 Original patent; continuing duty of applicant.
TEXT PDF1.179 Notice of reissue application.
TEXT PDF1.181 Petition to the Commissioner.
TEXT PDF1.182 Questions not specifically provided for.
TEXT PDF1.183 Suspension of rules.
TEXT PDF1.191 Appeal to Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.
TEXT PDF1.192 Appellant's brief.
TEXT PDF1.193 Examiner's answer and reply brief.
TEXT PDF1.194 Oral hearing.
TEXT PDF1.195 Affidavits or declarations after appeal.
TEXT PDF1.196 Decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.
TEXT PDF1.197 Action following decision.
TEXT PDF1.198 Reopening after decision.
TEXT PDF1.198 Reopening after decision.
TEXT PDF1.211 Publication of applications.
TEXT PDF1.213 Nonpublication request.
TEXT PDF1.215 Patent application publication.
TEXT PDF1.217 Publication of a redacted copy of an application.
TEXT PDF1.219 Early publication.
TEXT PDF1.221 Voluntary publication or republication of patent application publication.
TEXT PDF1.248 Service of papers; manner of service; proof of service in cases other than interferences.
TEXT PDF1.251 Unlocatable file.
TEXT PDF1.291 Protests by the public against pending applications.
TEXT PDF1.292 Public use proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.293 Statutory invention registration.
TEXT PDF1.294 Examination of request for publication of a statutory invention registration and patent application to which the request is directed.
TEXT PDF1.295 Review of decision finally refusing to publish a statutory invention registration.
TEXT PDF1.296 Withdrawal of request for publication of statutory invention registration.
TEXT PDF1.297 Publication of statutory invention registration.
TEXT PDF1.301 Appeal to U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
TEXT PDF1.302 Notice of appeal.
TEXT PDF1.303 Civil action under 35 U.S.C. 145, 146, 306.
TEXT PDF1.304 Time for appeal or civil action.
TEXT PDF1.311 Notice of allowance.
TEXT PDF1.312 Amendments after allowance.
TEXT PDF1.313 Withdrawal from issue.
TEXT PDF1.314 Issuance of patent.
TEXT PDF1.315 Delivery of patent.
TEXT PDF1.316 Application abandoned for failure to pay issue fee.
TEXT PDF1.317 Lapsed patents; delayed payment of balance of issue fee.
TEXT PDF1.321 Statutory disclaimers, including terminal disclaimers.
TEXT PDF1.322 Certificate of correction of Office mistake.
TEXT PDF1.323 Certificate of correction of applicant's mistake.
TEXT PDF1.324 Correction of inventorship in patent, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 256.
TEXT PDF1.325 Other mistakes not corrected.
TEXT PDF1.335 Filing of notice of arbitration awards.
TEXT PDF1.351 Amendments to rules will be published.
TEXT PDF1.362 Time for payment of maintenance fees.
TEXT PDF1.363 Fee address for maintenance fee purposes.
TEXT PDF1.366 Submission of maintenance fees.
TEXT PDF1.377 Review of decision refusing to accept and record payment of a maintenance fee filed prior to expiration of patent.
TEXT PDF1.378 Acceptance of delayed payment of maintenance fee in expired patent to reinstate patent.
TEXT PDF1.401 Definitions of terms under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
TEXT PDF1.412 The United States Receiving Office.
TEXT PDF1.413 The United States International Searching Authority.
TEXT PDF1.414 The United States Patent and Trademark Office as a Designated Office or Elected Office.
TEXT PDF1.415 The International Bureau.
TEXT PDF1.416 The United States International Preliminary Examining Authority.
TEXT PDF1.417 Submission of translation of international publication.
TEXT PDF1.419 Display of currently valid control number under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
TEXT PDF1.421 Applicant for international application.
TEXT PDF1.422 When the inventor is dead.
TEXT PDF1.423 When the inventor is insane or legally incapacitated.
TEXT PDF1.424 Joint inventors.
TEXT PDF1.425 Filing by other than inventor.
TEXT PDF1.431 International application requirements.
TEXT PDF1.432 Designation of States and payment of designation and confirmation fees.
TEXT PDF1.433 Physical requirements of international application.
TEXT PDF1.434 The request.
TEXT PDF1.435 The description.
TEXT PDF1.436 The claims.
TEXT PDF1.437 The drawings.
TEXT PDF1.438 The abstract.
TEXT PDF1.445 International application filing, processing and search fees.
TEXT PDF1.446 Refund of international application filing and processing fees.
TEXT PDF1.451 The priority claim and priority document in an international application.
TEXT PDF1.455 Representation in international applications.
TEXT PDF1.461 Procedures for transmittal of record copy to the International Bureau.
TEXT PDF1.465 Timing of application processing based on the priority date.
TEXT PDF1.468 Delays in meeting time limits.
TEXT PDF1.471 Corrections and amendments during international processing.
TEXT PDF1.472 Changes in person, name, or address of applicants and inventors.
TEXT PDF1.475 Unity of invention before the International Searching Authority, the International Preliminary Examining Authority and during the national stage.
TEXT PDF1.476 Determination of unity of invention before the International Searching Authority.
TEXT PDF1.477 Protest to lack of unity of invention before the International Searching Authority.
TEXT PDF1.480 Demand for international preliminary examination.
TEXT PDF1.481 Payment of international preliminary examination fees.
TEXT PDF1.482 International preliminary examination fees.
TEXT PDF1.484 Conduct of international preliminary examination.
TEXT PDF1.485 Amendments by applicant during international preliminary examination.
TEXT PDF1.488 Determination of unity of invention before the International Preliminary Examining Authority.
TEXT PDF1.489 Protest to lack of unity of invention before the International Preliminary Examining Authority.
TEXT PDF1.491 National stage commencement and entry.
TEXT PDF1.492 National stage fees.
TEXT PDF1.495 Entering the national stage in the United States of America.
TEXT PDF1.496 Examination of international applications in the national stage.
TEXT PDF1.497 Oath or declaration under 35 U.S.C. 371(c)(4).
TEXT PDF1.499 Unity of invention during the national stage.
TEXT PDF1.501 Citation of prior art in patent files.
TEXT PDF1.502 Processing of prior art citations during an ex parte reexamination proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.510 Request for ex parte reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.515 Determination of the request for ex parte reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.520 Ex parte reexamination at the initiative of the Commissioner.
TEXT PDF1.525 Order for ex parte reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.530 Statement by patent owner in ex parte reexamination; amendment by patent owner in ex parte or inter partes reexamination; inventorship change in ex parte or inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.535 Reply by third party requester in ex parte reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.540 Consideration of responses in ex parte reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.550 Conduct of ex parte reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.552 Scope of reexamination in ex parte reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.555 Information material to patentability in ex parte reexamination and inter partes reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.560 Interviews in ex parte reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.565 Concurrent office proceedings which include an ex parte reexamination proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.570 Issuance of ex parte reexamination certificate after ex parte reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.601 Scope of rules, definitions.
TEXT PDF1.602 Interest in applications and patents involved in an interference.
TEXT PDF1.603 Interference between applications; subject matter of the interference.
TEXT PDF1.604 Request for interference between applications by an applicant.
TEXT PDF1.605 Suggestion of claim to applicant by examiner.
TEXT PDF1.606 Interference between an application and a patent; subject matter of the interference.
TEXT PDF1.607 Request by applicant for interference with patent.
TEXT PDF1.608 Interference between an application and a patent; prima facie showing by applicant.
TEXT PDF1.610 Assignment of interference to administrative patent judge, time period for completing interference.
TEXT PDF1.611 Declaration of interference.
TEXT PDF1.612 Access to applications.
TEXT PDF1.613 Lead attorney, same attorney representing different parties in an interference, withdrawal of attorney or agent.
TEXT PDF1.614 Jurisdiction over interference.
TEXT PDF1.615 Suspension of ex parte prosecution.
TEXT PDF1.616 Sanctions for failure to comply with rules or order or for taking and maintaining a frivolous position.
TEXT PDF1.617 Summary judgment against applicant.
TEXT PDF1.618 Return of unauthorized papers.
TEXT PDF1.621 Preliminary statement, time for filing, notice of filing.
TEXT PDF1.622 Preliminary statement, who made invention, where invention made.
TEXT PDF1.623 Preliminary statement; invention made in United States, a NAFTA country, or a WTO member country.
TEXT PDF1.624 Preliminary statement; invention made in a place other than the United States, a NAFTA country, or a WTO member country.
TEXT PDF1.625 Preliminary statement; derivation by an opponent.
TEXT PDF1.626 Preliminary statement; earlier application.
TEXT PDF1.627 Preliminary statement; sealing before filing, opening of statement.
TEXT PDF1.628 Preliminary statement; correction of error.
TEXT PDF1.629 Effect of preliminary statement.
TEXT PDF1.630 Reliance on earlier application.
TEXT PDF1.631 Access to preliminary statement, service of preliminary statement.
TEXT PDF1.632 Notice of intent to argue abandonment, suppression or concealment by opponent.
TEXT PDF1.633 Preliminary motions.
TEXT PDF1.634 Motion to correct inventorship.
TEXT PDF1.635 Miscellaneous motions.
TEXT PDF1.636 Motions, time for filing.
TEXT PDF1.637 Content of motions.
TEXT PDF1.638 Opposition and reply; time for filing opposition and reply.
TEXT PDF1.639 Evidence in support of motion, opposition, or reply.
TEXT PDF1.640 Motions, hearing and decision, redeclaration of interference, order to show cause.
TEXT PDF1.641 Unpatentability discovered by administrative patent judge.
TEXT PDF1.642 Addition of application or patent to interference.
TEXT PDF1.643 Prosecution of interference by assignee.
TEXT PDF1.644 Petitions in interferences.
TEXT PDF1.645 Extension of time, late papers, stay of proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.646 Service of papers, proof of service.
TEXT PDF1.647 Translation of document in foreign language.
TEXT PDF1.651 Setting times for discovery and taking testimony, parties entitled to take testimony.
TEXT PDF1.652 Judgment for failure to take testimony or file record.
TEXT PDF1.653 Record and exhibits.
TEXT PDF1.654 Final hearing.
TEXT PDF1.655 Matters considered in rendering a final decision.
TEXT PDF1.656 Briefs for final hearing.
TEXT PDF1.657 Burden of proof as to date of invention.
TEXT PDF1.658 Final decision.
TEXT PDF1.659 Recommendation.
TEXT PDF1.660 Notice of reexamination, reissue, protest, or litigation.
TEXT PDF1.661 Termination of interference after judgment.
TEXT PDF1.662 Request for entry of adverse judgment; reissue filed by patentee.
TEXT PDF1.663 Status of claim of defeated applicant after interference.
TEXT PDF1.664 Action after interference.
TEXT PDF1.665 Second interference.
TEXT PDF1.666 Filing of interference settlement agreements.
TEXT PDF1.671 Evidence must comply with rules.
TEXT PDF1.672 Manner of taking testimony.
TEXT PDF1.673 Notice of examination of witness.
TEXT PDF1.674 Persons before whom depositions may be taken.
TEXT PDF1.675 Examination of witness, reading and signing transcript of deposition.
TEXT PDF1.676 Certification and filing by officer, marking exhibits.
TEXT PDF1.677 Form of an affidavit or a transcript of deposition.
TEXT PDF1.678 Time for filing transcript of deposition.
TEXT PDF1.679 Inspection of transcript.
TEXT PDF1.685 Errors and irregularities in depositions.
TEXT PDF1.687 Additional discovery.
TEXT PDF1.690 Arbitration of interferences.
TEXT PDF1.701 Extension of patent term due to examination delay under the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (original applications, other than designs, filed on or after June 8, 1995, and before May 29, 2000).
TEXT PDF1.702 Grounds for adjustment of patent term due to examination delay under the Patent Term Guarantee Act of 1999 (original applications, other than designs, filed on or after May 29, 2000).
TEXT PDF1.703 Period of adjustment of patent term due to examination delay.
TEXT PDF1.704 Reduction of period of adjustment of patent term.
TEXT PDF1.705 Patent term adjustment determination.
TEXT PDF1.710 Patents subject to extension of the patent term.
TEXT PDF1.720 Conditions for extension of patent term.
TEXT PDF1.730 Applicant for extension of patent term; signature requirements.
TEXT PDF1.740 Formal requirements for application for extension of patent term; correction of informalities.
TEXT PDF1.741 Complete application given a filing date; petition procedure.
TEXT PDF1.750 Determination of eligibility for extension of patent term.
TEXT PDF1.760 Interim extension of patent term under 35 U.S.C. 156(e)(2).
TEXT PDF1.765 Duty of disclosure in patent term extension proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.770 Express withdrawal of application for extension of patent term.
TEXT PDF1.775 Calculation of patent term extension for a human drug, antibiotic drug or human biological product.
TEXT PDF1.776 Calculation of patent term extension for a food additive or color additive.
TEXT PDF1.777 Calculation of patent term extension for a medical device.
TEXT PDF1.778 Calculation of patent term extension for an animal drug product.
TEXT PDF1.779 Calculation of patent term extension for a veterinary biological product.
TEXT PDF1.780 Certificate or order of extension of patent term.
TEXT PDF1.785 Multiple applications for extension of term of the same patent or of different patents for the same regulatory review period for a product.
TEXT PDF1.790 Interim extension of patent term under 35 U.S.C. 156(d)(5).
TEXT PDF1.791 Termination of interim extension granted prior to regulatory approval of a product for commercial marketing or use.
TEXT PDF1.801 Biological material.
TEXT PDF1.802 Need or opportunity to make a deposit.
TEXT PDF1.803 Acceptable depository.
TEXT PDF1.804 Time of making an original deposit.
TEXT PDF1.805 Replacement or supplement of deposit.
TEXT PDF1.806 Term of deposit.
TEXT PDF1.807 Viability of deposit.
TEXT PDF1.808 Furnishing of samples.
TEXT PDF1.809 Examination procedures.
TEXT PDF1.821 Nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence disclosures in patent applications.
TEXT PDF1.822 Symbols and format to be used for nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence data.
TEXT PDF1.823 Requirements for nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences as part of the application.
TEXT PDF1.824 Form and format for nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence submissions in computer readable form.
TEXT PDF1.825 Amendments to or replacement of sequence listing and computer readable copy thereof.
TEXT PDF1.902 Processing of prior art citations during an inter partes reexamination proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.903 Service of papers on parties in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.904 Notice of inter partes reexamination in Official Gazette.
TEXT PDF1.905 Submission of papers by the public in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.906 Scope of reexamination in inter partes reexamination proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.907 Inter partes reexamination prohibited.
TEXT PDF1.913 Persons eligible to file request for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.915 Content of request for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.919 Filing date of request for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.923 Examiner's determination on the request for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.925 Partial refund if request for inter partes reexamination is not ordered.
TEXT PDF1.927 Petition to review refusal to order inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.931 Order for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.933 Patent owner duty of disclosure in inter partes reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.935 Initial Office action usually accompanies order for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.937 Conduct of inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.939 Unauthorized papers in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.941 Amendments by patent owner in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.943 Requirements of responses, written comments, and briefs in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.945 Response to Office action by patent owner in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.947 Comments by third party requester to patent owner's response in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.948 Limitations on submission of prior art by third party requester following the order for inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.949 Examiner's Office action closing prosecution in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.951 Options after Office action closing prosecution in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.953 Examiner's Right of Appeal Notice in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.955 Interviews prohibited in inter partes reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.956 Patent owner extensions of time in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.957 Failure to file a timely, appropriate or complete response or comment in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.958 Petition to revive terminated inter partes reexamination or claims terminated for lack of patent owner response.
TEXT PDF1.959 Notice of appeal and cross appeal to Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.961 Jurisdiction over appeal in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.962 Appellant and respondent in inter partes reexamination defined.
TEXT PDF1.963 Time for filing briefs in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.965 Appellant's brief in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.967 Respondent's brief in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.969 Examiner's answer in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.971 Rebuttal brief in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.973 Oral hearing in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.975 Affidavits or declarations after appeal in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.977 Decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences; remand to examiner in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.979 Action following decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences or dismissal of appeal in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.981 Reopening after decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.983 Patent owner appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.985 Notification of prior or concurrent proceedings in inter partes reexamination.
TEXT PDF1.987 Suspension of inter partes reexamination proceeding due to litigation.
TEXT PDF1.989 Merger of concurrent reexamination proceedings.
TEXT PDF1.991 Merger of concurrent reissue application and inter partes reexamination proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.993 Suspension of concurrent interference and inter partes reexamination proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.995 Third party requester's participation rights preserved in merged proceeding.
TEXT PDF1.997 Issuance of inter partes reexamination certificate.

