Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF1942.1 General.
TEXT PDF1942.2 Processing applications.
TEXT PDF1942.3 Preparation of appraisal reports.
TEXT PDF1942.4 Borrower contracts.
TEXT PDF1942.5 Application review and approval.
TEXT PDF1942.6 Preparation for loan closing.
TEXT PDF1942.7 Loan closing.
TEXT PDF1942.8 Actions subsequent to loan closing.
TEXT PDF1942.9 Planning, bidding, contracting, and constructing. [See 1942.17(p) and 1942.18]
TEXT PDF1942.12 Loan cancellation.
TEXT PDF1942.13 Loan servicing.
TEXT PDF1942.14 Subsequent loans.
TEXT PDF1942.15 Delegation and redelegation of authority.
TEXT PDF1942.16 State supplements and guides.
TEXT PDF1942.17 Community facilities.
TEXT PDF1942.18 Community facilities--Planning, bidding, contracting, constructing.
TEXT PDF1942.19 Information pertaining to preparation of notes or bonds and bond transcript documents for public body applicants.
TEXT PDF1942.20 Community Facility Guides.
TEXT PDF1942.50 OMB control number.
TEXT PDF1942.101 General.
TEXT PDF1942.102 Nondiscrimination.
TEXT PDF1942.103 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1942.104 Application processing.
TEXT PDF1942.105 Environmental review.
TEXT PDF1942.106 Intergovernmental review.
TEXT PDF1942.107 Priorities.
TEXT PDF1942.108 Application docket preparation and review.
TEXT PDF1942.111 Applicant eligibility.
TEXT PDF1942.112 Eligible loan purposes.
TEXT PDF1942.113 Rates and terms.
TEXT PDF1942.114 Security.
TEXT PDF1942.115 Reasonable project costs.
TEXT PDF1942.116 Economic feasibility requirements.
TEXT PDF1942.117 General requirements.
TEXT PDF1942.118 Other Federal, State, and local requirements.
TEXT PDF1942.119 Professional services and borrower contracts.
TEXT PDF1942.122 Actions prior to loan closing and start of construction.
TEXT PDF1942.123 Loan closing.
TEXT PDF1942.126 Planning, bidding, contracting, constructing, procuring.
TEXT PDF1942.127 Project monitoring and fund delivery.
TEXT PDF1942.128 Borrower accounting methods, management reports and audits.
TEXT PDF1942.129 Borrower supervision and servicing.
TEXT PDF1942.132 Subsequent loans.
TEXT PDF1942.133 Delegation and redelegation of authority.
TEXT PDF1942.134 State supplements and guides.
TEXT PDF1942.150 OMB control number.
TEXT PDF1942.301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1942.302 Policy.
TEXT PDF1942.303 Authorities, delegation, and redelegation.
TEXT PDF1942.304 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1942.305 Eligibility and priority.
TEXT PDF1942.306 Purposes of grants.
TEXT PDF1942.307 Limitations on use of grant funds.
TEXT PDF1942.308 Regional Commission grants.
TEXT PDF1942.310 Other considerations.
TEXT PDF1942.311 Application processing.
TEXT PDF1942.313 Plan to provide financial assistance to third parties.
TEXT PDF1942.314 Grants to provide financial assistance to third parties, television demonstration projects, and technical assistance programs.
TEXT PDF1942.315 Docket preparation and Letter of Conditions.
TEXT PDF1942.316 Grant approval, fund obligation and third party financial assistance.
TEXT PDF1942.321 Subsequent grants.
TEXT PDF1942.348 Exception authority.
TEXT PDF1942.349 Forms, guides, and attachments.
TEXT PDF1942.350 OMB control number.

