Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF201.1 Meaning of words.
TEXT PDF201.2 Terms defined.
TEXT PDF201.3 Administrator.
TEXT PDF201.4 Maintenance and accessibility.
TEXT PDF201.5 Origin.
TEXT PDF201.6 Germination.
TEXT PDF201.7 Purity (including variety).
TEXT PDF201.7a Treated seed.
TEXT PDF201.8 Contents of the label.
TEXT PDF201.9 Kind.
TEXT PDF201.10 Variety.
TEXT PDF201.11 Type.
TEXT PDF201.11a Hybrid.
TEXT PDF201.12 Name of kind and variety.
TEXT PDF201.12a Lawn and turf seed mixtures.
TEXT PDF201.13 Lot number or other identification.
TEXT PDF201.14 Origin.
TEXT PDF201.15 Weed seeds.
TEXT PDF201.16 Noxious-weed seeds.
TEXT PDF201.17 Noxious-weed seeds in the District of Columbia.
TEXT PDF201.18 Other agricultural seeds (crop seeds).
TEXT PDF201.19 Inert matter.
TEXT PDF201.20 Germination.
TEXT PDF201.21 Hard seed.
TEXT PDF201.22 Date of test.
TEXT PDF201.23 Name of shipper or consignee.
TEXT PDF201.24 Code designation.
TEXT PDF201.24a Inoculated seed.
TEXT PDF201.25 Contents of the label.
TEXT PDF201.26 Kind, variety, and hybrid.
TEXT PDF201.27 Name of shipper or consignee.
TEXT PDF201.28 Code designation.
TEXT PDF201.29 Germination of vegetable seed in containers of 1 pound or less.
TEXT PDF201.29a Germination of vegetable seed in containers of more than 1 pound.
TEXT PDF201.30 Hard seed.
TEXT PDF201.30a Date of test.
TEXT PDF201.30b Lot number or other lot identification of vegetable seed in containers of more than 1 pound.
TEXT PDF201.31 Germination standards for vegetable seeds in interstate commerce.
TEXT PDF201.31a Labeling treated seed.
TEXT PDF201.32 Screenings.
TEXT PDF201.33 Seed in bulk or large quantities; seed for cleaning or processing.
TEXT PDF201.34 Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid.
TEXT PDF201.35 Blank spaces.
TEXT PDF201.36 The words ``free'' and ``none.''
TEXT PDF201.36a Disclaimers and nonwarranties.
TEXT PDF201.36b Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid.
TEXT PDF201.36c Hermetically-sealed containers.
TEXT PDF201.37 Authorization.
TEXT PDF201.38 Importations.
TEXT PDF201.39 General procedure.
TEXT PDF201.40 Bulk.
TEXT PDF201.41 Bags.
TEXT PDF201.42 Small containers.
TEXT PDF201.43 Size of sample.
TEXT PDF201.44 Forwarding samples.
TEXT PDF201.45 Obtaining the working sample.
TEXT PDF201.46 Weight of working sample.
TEXT PDF201.47 Separation.
TEXT PDF201.47a Seed unit.
TEXT PDF201.47b Working samples.
TEXT PDF201.48 Kind or variety considered pure seed.
TEXT PDF201.49 Other crop seed.
TEXT PDF201.50 Weed seed.
TEXT PDF201.51 Inert matter.
TEXT PDF201.51a Special procedures for purity analysis.
TEXT PDF201.51b Purity procedures for coated seed.
TEXT PDF201.52 Noxious-weed seeds.
TEXT PDF201.53 Source of seeds for germination.
TEXT PDF201.54 Number of seeds for germination.
TEXT PDF201.55 Retests.
TEXT PDF201.55a Moisture and aeration of substratum.
TEXT PDF201.56 Interpretation.
TEXT PDF201.56-1 Goosefoot family, Chenopodiaceae, and Carpetweed family, Aizoaceae.
TEXT PDF201.56-2 Sunflower family, Asteraceae (Compositae).
TEXT PDF201.56-3 Mustard family, Brassicaceae (Cruciferae).
TEXT PDF201.56-4 Cucurbit family, (Cucurbitaceae).
TEXT PDF201.56-5 Grass family, Poaceae (Gramineae).
TEXT PDF201.56-6 Legume or pea family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae).
TEXT PDF201.56-7 Lily family, Liliaceae.
TEXT PDF201.56-8 Flax family, Linaceae.
TEXT PDF201.56-9 Mallow family, Malvaceae.
TEXT PDF201.56-10 Spurge family, Euphorbiaceae.
TEXT PDF201.56-11 Knotweed family, Polygonaceae.
TEXT PDF201.56-12 Miscellaneous plant families.
TEXT PDF201.57 Hard seeds.
TEXT PDF201.57a Dormant seeds.
TEXT PDF201.58 Substrata, temperature, duration of test, and certain other specific directions for testing for germination and hard seed.
TEXT PDF201.58a Indistinguishable seeds.
TEXT PDF201.58b Origin.
TEXT PDF201.58c Detection of captan, mercury, or thiram on seed.
TEXT PDF201.58d Fungal endophyte test.
TEXT PDF201.59 Application.
TEXT PDF201.60 Purity percentages.
TEXT PDF201.61 Fluorescence percentages in ryegrasses.
TEXT PDF201.62 Tests for determination of percentages of kind, variety, type, hybrid, or offtype.
TEXT PDF201.63 Germination.
TEXT PDF201.64 Pure live seed.
TEXT PDF201.65 Noxious weed seeds in interstate commerce.
TEXT PDF201.67 Seed certifying agency standards and procedures.
TEXT PDF201.68 Eligibility requirements for certification of varieties.
TEXT PDF201.69 Classes of certified seed.
TEXT PDF201.70 Limitations of generations for certified seed.
TEXT PDF201.71 Establishing the source of all classes of certified seed.
TEXT PDF201.72 Production of all classes of certified seed.
TEXT PDF201.73 Processors and processing of all classes of certified seed.
TEXT PDF201.74 Labeling of all classes of certified seed.
TEXT PDF201.75 Interagency certification.
TEXT PDF201.76 Minimum Land, Isolation, Field, and Seed Standards.
TEXT PDF201.77 Length of stand requirements.
TEXT PDF201.78 Pollen control for hybrids.

