Title 7--Agriculture


TEXT PDF25.1 Applicability and scope.
TEXT PDF25.2 Objective and purpose.
TEXT PDF25.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF25.4 Secretarial review and designation.
TEXT PDF25.5 Waivers.
TEXT PDF25.100 Eligibility requirements.
TEXT PDF25.101 Data utilized for eligibility determinations.
TEXT PDF25.102 Pervasive poverty, unemployment and general distress.
TEXT PDF25.103 Area size and boundary requirements
TEXT PDF25.104 Poverty rate.
TEXT PDF25.200 Nominations by State and local governments.
TEXT PDF25.201 Application.
TEXT PDF25.202 Strategic plan.
TEXT PDF25.203 Submission of applications.
TEXT PDF25.204 Evaluation of the strategic plan.
TEXT PDF25.300 USDA action and review of nominations for designation.
TEXT PDF25.301 Selection factors for designation of nominated rural areas.
TEXT PDF25.400 Reporting.
TEXT PDF25.401 Responsibility of lead managing entity.
TEXT PDF25.402 Periodic performance reviews.
TEXT PDF25.403. Ongoing 2-year work plan requirement.
TEXT PDF25.404 Validation of designation.
TEXT PDF25.405 Revocation of designation.
TEXT PDF25.500 Indian reservations.
TEXT PDF25.501 Governments.
TEXT PDF25.502 Nominations by State-chartered economic development corporations.
TEXT PDF25.503 Rural areas.
TEXT PDF25.600 Purpose.
TEXT PDF25.601 Delegation of authority.
TEXT PDF25.602 Eligible recipients.
TEXT PDF25.603 Grant approval and obligation of funds.
TEXT PDF25.604 Disbursement of grant funds.
TEXT PDF25.605 Grant program reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF25.606 Financial management and records.
TEXT PDF25.607 Suspension or termination of grant funds.
TEXT PDF25.620 Eligible grant purposes.
TEXT PDF25.621 Ineligible grant purposes.
TEXT PDF25.622 Other considerations.
TEXT PDF25.623 Programmatic changes.

