Title 7--Agriculture


TEXT PDF22.101 The Rural Development Act of 1972 (Pub. L. 92-419).
TEXT PDF22.102 Summary of authorities.
TEXT PDF22.103 Purpose.
TEXT PDF22.104 General policy.
TEXT PDF22.201 Coordination.
TEXT PDF22.202 Federal unit responsibilities.
TEXT PDF22.203 Major responsibilities under title VI, Sec. 603.
TEXT PDF22.204 Rural development committees.
TEXT PDF22.205 Allocation of loan and grant funds.
TEXT PDF22.301 Selection and designation.
TEXT PDF22.302 Area eligibility.
TEXT PDF22.303 Cooperation with Federal Regional Councils.
TEXT PDF22.304 Multiyear planning and programming.
TEXT PDF22.305 Conformance with OMB Circular No. A-95.
TEXT PDF22.306 Financing rural development planning.
TEXT PDF22.307 Program evaluation.
TEXT PDF22.308 Project approval.
TEXT PDF22.309 Seeking Federal review.

