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EPA's Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Program Centers of Excellence in Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), share the common objective of fostering research that will ultimately reduce the adverse human health effects due to hazardous environmental agents.  The agencies recognize that these health impacts can be particularly detrimental to children due to their pronounced differences to adults.  A Federal Executive Order of April 21, 1997, "Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks," charges agencies to consider special environmental risks to children in their activities.

Accordingly, the Agencies invited scientists from across the country to apply for grants to establish Centers of Excellence in Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research.  Eight Children's Centers were awarded.  These Centers are conducting basic and applied research in combination with community-based prevention efforts.  Their aim are to better understand the causes of environmentally induced disease among children and to eventually decrease their prevalence.  The Centers will reach this goal by:

  • Providing an atmosphere for scientists to interact in establishing outstanding, state-of-the-art research programs addressing environmental contributions to children's health and disease.
  • Facilitating the translation of basic science knowledge into strategies that can reduce the incidence of environmentally related childhood disease.
  • Establishing a national network that fosters communication, innovation, and research excellence with the ultimate goal of reducing the burden of morbidity among children as a result of exposure to harmful environmental agents.
Centers have been established at the following institutions. Their project periods are 8/01/98 - 07/31/03.  Click on any Center to view their current work.

Other Centers of Excellence in Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research:

New (2001) Centers of Excellence in Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research


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