Office of the Inspector General for the GSA

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OIG Offices

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides nationwide coverage of General Services Administration (GSA) programs and activities. The OIG consists of the following offices:
  • The Office of Audits, an evaluative unit staffed with auditors and analysts who provide comprehensive coverage of GSA operations through program performance reviews, internal control assessments, and financial and mandated compliance audits.  It also conducts external reviews in support of GSA contracting officials to ensure fair contract prices and adherence to contract terms and conditions. 
  • The Office of Investigations, an investigative unit that manages a nationwide program to prevent and detect illegal and/or improper activities involving GSA programs, operations, and personnel. 
  • The Office of Counsel, an in-house legal staff that provides legal advice and assistance to all OIG components, represents the OIG in litigation arising out of or affecting OIG operations, and manages the OIG legislative/regulatory review functions. 
  • The Internal Evaluation Staff, an in-house staff that plans and directs field office appraisals and conducts internal affairs reviews and investigations. 
  • The Office of Administration, an in-house staff that provides information systems, budgetary, administrative, personnel, and communications services. 
The OIG is headquartered in Washington, DC at the GSA Central Office building.  Field audit and investigations offices are located in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Fort Worth, San Francisco, Auburn, WA, and Washington, DC.