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Advanced Transportation Management System Elemental Cost Benefit Assessment

Authors: Perrin, Joseph, Rodrigo Disegni, and Bhargava Rama

Summary Information
The Utah CommuterLink Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS) was developed so that operators in the Utah DOT Traffic Operations Center (TOC) could monitor and manage freeway and arterial traffic flow in the Salt Lake Valley. The ATMS consists of numerous components: a signal system, incident management team (IMT), variable message signs (VMS), ramp metering stations, highway advisory radio (HAR) system, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, traffic monitoring stations (TMS), and road weather information systems (RWIS). The TOC is connected to a Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County traffic control center. The field devices and centers are connected via a fiber optic network which was installed as part of the ATMS deployment.

System Cost
Capital cost: $106 million
Annual maintenance cost: $377,800
Annual operational cost: $2.3 million

The full summary can be accessed in the costs database.