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September 05, 2008

Deputy Secretary Barrett: Responding to Hurricane Gustav

I want to thank the thousands of volunteers and Department of Transportation employees who have pitched in to help evacuate the Gulf Coast, house the 2 million evacuees, and get them back home and rebuild.  Natural disasters always pose major challenges, but this nation is up to the task.

As part of the Federal response to Hurricane Gustav, the Department is making $4 million in emergency relief funds immediately available for Louisiana and Mississippi to help pay for urgent repairs to roads and bridges damaged by floods.  The funds will help the Gulf Coast pay for debris removal and initiate repair contracts.

Secretary Peters has been working with other cabinet agencies and with state governments to ensure a strong response to Gustav, and to the storms looming on the horizon.   She, I, and the Department will continue to do so, and will make more resources available on an as-needed basis.

-Deputy Secretary Barrett


Great work, Big thanks to all the volunteers!

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