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High-Level Requirements for the US-75 Integrated Corridor in Dallas, Texas

April 30, 2008
Award# DTFH-61-06-H-00040

1. Introduction

This document is intended as a listing and discussion of the high-level Requirements for the US-75 Integrated Corridor Management System (ICMS) in Dallas. This document describes what the system is to do (the functional requirements), how well it is to perform (the performance requirements), and under what conditions (non-functional and performance requirements). This document does not define how the system is to be built; that is the providence of the design document. This document pulls together requirements from a number of sources including but not limited to the Concept of Operations and constraints identified by the agencies. This document sets the technical scope of the system to be built. It is the basis for verifying the system and sub-systems when delivered via the Verification Plan.

1.1. System Purpose

The purpose of the US-75 ICMS is to implement a multi-modal operations decision support tool enabled by real-time data and live video pertaining to the operation of freeways, arterials, tollways, and public transit. The system will be shared between information systems and people involved in transportation operations and emergency response in the US-75 Corridor. The US-75 ICMS is intended to provide improved integration of operation procedures, including procedures that take advantage of the data and video sharing capabilities of the US-75 ICMS and facilitate improved emergency response, and traveler information.

1.2. System Scope

The US-75 ICMS will be a multi-agency, de-centralized operation which will utilize a set of regional systems to integrate the operations of the corridor. Currently, the agencies within the corridor have some cooperation and integration. The following figure provides an overview of the current systems, and level of integration. As discussed in our Concept of Operations, the US-75 corridor operations will be de-centralized with DalTrans as the corridor central coordination point. At the DalTrans Transportation Management Center (TMC) there will be one dedicated operator for the corridor, who will insure the corridor agencies are responding to requests, and will monitor the overall performance of the corridor.

Flowchart. The figure provides an overview of the current systems and level of integration.
Figure 1.2-1 US-75 Corridor Systems - BeforeFigure 1.2-1 long description

Once the systems described in the concept of operations, and this requirements document are deployed and integrated among the agencies, the new ICMS as shown in the figure below will be operational.

Flowchart. The figure provides an overview of the future integrated management corridor (ICM) system.
Figure 1.2-2 US-75 Corridor Systems - AfterFigure 1.2-2 long description

The "ICMS" will operate as a multi-modal operations decision support tool with a cooperative network of agencies which will operate the corridor in a coordinated manner to reduce congestion of the network, and improve the movement of people and goods within the corridor. The ICM System will consist of 4 new subsystems: an ICM Database, an Evaluation Model subsystem; a Decision Support subsystem; and a Web subsystem. The ICM Database will store the data within the ICM System; this data will come from historical data provided by the Regional Data Warehouse, current network data provided by the ICM Agencies in the corridor, and output data from the Decision Support subsystem including response plans and predictive conditions of the network. The Evaluation Model will be used as a tool to evaluate the overall performance of the corridor. The Decision Support subsystem will be used as a tool for coordination or responses to events, evaluation of current network conditions, and prediction of network conditions in order to proactively manage the corridor. Lastly, the Web subsystem will be a tool which will allow the viewing, reporting, and sending of ICM data. The Web subsystem will provide an "ICMS Web Interface" for approved users to interact with the ICM data, and provide a data feed of current network conditions to the regional ATIS.

1.3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

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