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Title:Secretary Mineta, Rep. Diaz–Balart Address Fourth National Fraud Prevention Conference
Date:April 24, 2006
Summary:From April 24–April 27, OIG and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) held the fourth biennial National Fraud Prevention Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Programs in Orlando, FL. More than 300 government and private sector officials from 45 states attended the conference, which was hosted by the Florida Department of Transportation. The conference was part of OIG?s contract and grant fraud initiative to collaborate with other Federal, State, and local officials involved in oversight of transportation to protect the investment in––and integrity of––transportation infrastructure projects and programs.

In his April 27 keynote address, Secretary Mineta reaffirmed his commitment to stewardship of federal transportation funds. Other key speakers included: Rep. Mario Diaz–Balart (a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure), Jack Basso, AASHTO Director of Management and Business Development, Jim St. John, FHWA Director of Field Services–South, and Acting Inspector General Zinser.

Related Information: OIG