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Title:Audit initiated on Security and Controls Over the National Driver Register, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Date:March 22, 2005
Project ID:05F3019F000
Summary:The Office of Inspector General will perform an audit of the National Driver Register (NDR) system, which is managed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). NDR provides information on problem drivers to state agencies and contains sensitive personal information, such as name, driver license number, date of birth, and social security number. This audit will be conducted at NHTSA Headquarters in Washington DC, contractor sites, and selected state motor vehicle administration offices.

The objectives of this audit are to determine whether (1) personal identification information stored in NDR can be accessed for unapproved use, (2) traffic violations are timely and accurately processed for NDR reporting, (3) adequate contingency plan exists to ensure business continuity, and (4) risks associated with NDR system operations are properly assessed, tested, and mitigated to meet minimum Government security standards.
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Related Information: OIG