Contents Federal Register
Vol. 63, No. 131
Thursday, July 9, 1998

Agriculture Department

See Commodity Credit Corporation

See Forest Service

See National Agricultural Statistics Service

Army Department



    Equal employment opportunity discrimination complaints; CFR part removed, 37068-37069 [FR Doc. 98-18226]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:

    Chlamydial disease; transmission and sequelae risk measuring; amplification testing, 37117-37121 [FR Doc. 98-18199]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]
    HIV; sexual transmission by HIV-seropositive men who have sex with men; behavioral intervention research, 37121-37124 [FR Doc. 98-18200]
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    National Diabetes Prevention Center, 37124-37128 [FR Doc. 98-18201]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Vessel sanitation program:

    Operations manual; comment request, 37128-37129 [FR Doc. 98-18197]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Children and Families Administration


Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:

    Developmental disabilities--
      Projects of national significance, 37213-37229 [FR Doc. 98-18154]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]

Civil Rights Commission


Meetings; State advisory committees:

Commerce Department

See International Trade Administration

See National Institute of Standards and Technology

See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Commission of Fine Arts


Meetings, 37095 [FR Doc. 98-18262]
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Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements


Export visa requirements; certification, waivers, etc.:

    Various countries, 37095-37096 [FR Doc. 98-18234]
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Commodity Credit Corporation


Cotton storage agreement fee schedule, 37091 [FR Doc. 98-18270]
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Customs Service


International trade prototype; general test, 37168-37169 [FR Doc. 98-18233]
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Defense Department

See Army Department


Small business competitiveness demonstration program:

    Small business set asides for acquisitions; reinstatement, 37096 [FR Doc. 98-18097]
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Drug Enforcement Administration


Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:

    Arenol Pharmaceutical, Inc., 37137 [FR Doc. 98-18217]
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    Chiragene, Inc., 37137 [FR Doc. 98-18216]
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    Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Partners, 37137-37138 [FR Doc. 98-18290]
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    Johnson Matthey, Inc., 37138 [FR Doc. 98-18214]
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    Radian International LLC, 37138-37139 [FR Doc. 98-18220]
    37139 [FR Doc. 98-18221]
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    Research Biochemicals, Inc., 37139-37140 [FR Doc. 98-18222]
    37140 [FR Doc. 98-18223]
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    [TEXT]   [PDF]
    Research Triangle Institute, 37140-37141 [FR Doc. 98-18215]
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Education Department


Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:

    Special education and rehabilitative services--
      Technology innovation challenge program; correction, 37231-37232 [FR Doc. 98-18208]
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Employment and Training Administration


Federal-State unemployment compensation program:

    Extended benefit period; changes, 37144-37145 [FR Doc. 98-18224]
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    Unemployment Insurance (UI) program, ``Dialogue'', 37145 [FR Doc. 98-18225]
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Energy Department

See Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Electricity export and import authorizations, permits, etc.:

    NorAm Energy Services, Inc., et al., 37096-37097 [FR Doc. 98-18213]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Presidential permit applications:

    Dynegy Power Corp., 37097-37098 [FR Doc. 98-18212]
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Environmental Protection Agency


Superfund program:

    National oil and hazardous substances contingency plan--
      National priorities list update, 37069 [FR Doc. 98-18074]
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Superfund program:

    National oil and hazardous substances contingency plan--
      National priorities list update, 37085-37088 [FR Doc. 98-18083]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]


Clean Air Act:

    Fuels and fuel additives--
      Reformulated gasoline; minimum oxygen content standards, 37112-37114 [FR Doc. 98-18080]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]

Environmental statements; availability, etc.:

    Coastal nonpoint pollution control programs; States and territories
      Alabama, et al., 37094-37095 [FR Doc. 98-18202]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]

Superfund program:

    Prospective purchaser agreement--
      National Mine Tailings Pile Superfund Site, Park Hills, MO, 37114 [FR Doc. 98-18086]
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Toxic and hazardous substances control:

    Sector Facility Indexing Project--
      Production/capacity data (1996); internet availability, 37114-37115 [FR Doc. 98-18273]
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Executive Office of the President

See Trade Representative, Office of United States

Federal Aviation Administration


Airworthiness directives:

    Bombardier, 37063-37065 [FR Doc. 98-13404]
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Class E airspace

    Correction, 37065-37066 [FR Doc. 98-17856]
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Airmen certification:

    Aviation maintenance personnel; certification, training, experience, and currency requirements; withdrawn, 37210 [FR Doc. 98-17590]
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    Mechanics and repairmen; certification and training requirements, 37171-37210 [FR Doc. 98-17589]
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Airworthiness directives:

    Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A., 37083-37085 [FR Doc. 98-18155]
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    McDonnell Douglas, 37074-37078 [FR Doc. 98-18158]
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    Mitsubishi, 37080-37082 [FR Doc. 98-18156]
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Advisory circulars; availability, etc.:

    Aviation maintenance personnel certification and training requirements and approval of aviation maintenance technician training program providers, 37211 [FR Doc. 98-17591]
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Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee; task assignments, 37167-37168 [FR Doc. 98-18209]
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Federal Communications Commission


Common carrier services:

    Pay telephone reclassification and compensation provisions; waiver petitions--
      Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. et al., 37069-37070 [FR Doc. 98-18237]
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Radio stations; table of assignments:



    Telecommunications infrastructure; bandwith issues; En Banc hearing, 37115 [FR Doc. 98-18238]
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Federal Election Commission


Meetings; Sunshine Act, 37115 [FR Doc. 98-18418]
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Electric rate and corporate regulation filings:

    East Syracuse Generating Co., L.P., et al., 37108-37111 [FR Doc. 98-18210]
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    Rochester Gas & Electric Corp., et al., 37111-37112 [FR Doc. 98-18205]
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Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:

    Black Marlin Pipeline Co., 37098 [FR Doc. 98-18168]
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    CNG Transmission Corp., 37098 [FR Doc. 98-18172]
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    Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 37099 [FR Doc. 98-18175]
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    Cove Point LNG L.P., 37099 [FR Doc. 98-18174]
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    Dauphin Island Gathering Partners, 37099 [FR Doc. 98-18186]
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    Discovery Gas Transmission LLC, 37100 [FR Doc. 98-18162]
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    Distrigas of Massachusetts Corp., 37100 [FR Doc. 98-18182]
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    Florida Gas Transmission Co., 37101 [FR Doc. 98-18176]
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    Great Lakes Gas Transmission L.P., 37101 [FR Doc. 98-18173]
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    High Island Offshore System, 37102 [FR Doc. 98-18188]
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    Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P., 37102 [FR Doc. 98-18166]
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    K&K Resources, Inc., 37102 [FR Doc. 98-18207]
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    Kern River Gas Transmission Co., 37102-37103 [FR Doc. 98-18180]
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    National Fuel Gas Supply Corp., 37103-37104 [FR Doc. 98-18189]
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    Nautilus Pipeline Co. LLC, 37104 [FR Doc. 98-18170]
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    Niagra Mohawk Power Corp., 37104 [FR Doc. 98-18206]
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    Nora Transmission Co., 37104 [FR Doc. 98-18167]
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    Northwest Pipeline Corp., 37104-37105 [FR Doc. 98-18179]
    37105 [FR Doc. 98-18185]
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    [TEXT]   [PDF]
    OkTex Pipeline Co., 37105 [FR Doc. 98-18171]
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    Overthrust Pipeline Co., 37105-37106 [FR Doc. 98-18191]
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    Questar Pipeline Co., 37106 [FR Doc. 98-18190]
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    Sabine Pipe Line Co., 37106 [FR Doc. 98-18161]
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    Tuscarora Gas Transmission Co., 37106-37107 [FR Doc. 98-18184]
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    Viking Gas Transmission Co., 37107 [FR Doc. 98-18163]
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    Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co., 37107 [FR Doc. 98-18178]
    37107-37108 [FR Doc. 98-18181]
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    Wyoming Interstate Co. Ltd., 37108 [FR Doc. 98-18164]
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    Young Gas Storage Co. Ltd., 37108 [FR Doc. 98-18165]
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Federal Highway Administration


Environmental statements; notice of intent:

    Harrison County, MS, 37168 [FR Doc. 98-18256]
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Federal Maritime Commission


Tariffs and service contracts:

    Automated filing systems; inquiry, 37088-37089 [FR Doc. 98-18160]
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Agreements filed, etc., 37115-37116 [FR Doc. 98-18227]
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Agreements filed, etc.; correction, 37170

Freight forwarder licenses:

    Fam Cargo International Co., Inc., et al., 37116 [FR Doc. 98-18248]
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Federal Reserve System


Banks and bank holding companies:

    Change in bank control, 37116 [FR Doc. 98-18283]
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    Formations, acquisitions, and mergers, 37116-37117 [FR Doc. 98-18282]
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    Permissible nonbanking activities, 37117 [FR Doc. 98-18281]
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Federal Trade Commission


Trade regulation rules:

    Home entertainment products; power output claims for amplifiers, 37233-37235 [FR Doc. 98-18203]
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Trade regulation rules:

    Home entertainment products; power output claims for amplifiers, 37237-37242 [FR Doc. 98-18204]
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Fine Arts Commission

See Commission of Fine Arts

Fish and Wildlife Service


Environmental statements; availability, etc.:

    Incidental take permits--
      Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands; nightingale reed-warbler, et al., 37130 [FR Doc. 98-18194]
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    North American Wetlands Conservation Council, 37130 [FR Doc. 98-18288]
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Forest Service


Resource management plans:

    Boise National Forest,ID et al., 37091 [FR Doc. 98-18196]
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General Services Administration


Agency information collection activities:

    Proposed collection; comment request, 37117 [FR Doc. 98-18193]
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Geological Survey


Agency information collection activities:

    Submission for OMB review; comment request, 37130-37131 [FR Doc. 98-18195]
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Health and Human Services Department

See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

See Children and Families Administration

See Health Care Financing Administration

Health Care Financing Administration


Agency information collection activities:

    Submission for OMB review; comment request, 37129 [FR Doc. 98-18258]
    37129-37130 [FR Doc. 98-18266]
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    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Immigration and Naturalization Service


Agency information collection activities:

Interior Department

See Fish and Wildlife Service

See Geological Survey

See Land Management Bureau

See Minerals Management Service

International Trade Administration


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); binational panel reviews:

    Prepared baby foods from--
      United States, 37092-37093 [FR Doc. 98-18260]
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International Trade Commission


Import investigations:

    EPROM, EEPROM, flash memory, and flash microcontroller semiconductor devices and products containing same, 37133 [FR Doc. 98-18268]
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Justice Department

See Drug Enforcement Administration

See Immigration and Naturalization Service


Agency information collection activities:

    Proposed collection; comment request, 37133-37134 [FR Doc. 98-18240]
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Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:

    Community oriented policing services (COPS)--
      Visiting fellowship program, 37134-37135 [FR Doc. 98-18252]
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Pollution control; consent judgments:

    Bell Atlantic-Virginia, Inc., et al., 37135 [FR Doc. 98-18254]
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    Calderon et al., 37135-37136 [FR Doc. 98-18255]
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    Municipality of Penn Hills, 37136 [FR Doc. 98-18251]
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    Odabashian, Robert et al., 37136-37137 [FR Doc. 98-18253]
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Labor Department

See Employment and Training Administration

Land Management Bureau


Closure of public lands:


    Resource advisory councils--
      John Day-Snake, 37131-37132 [FR Doc. 98-18259]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]
      Northeast California, 37131 [FR Doc. 98-18198]
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Right-of-way; applications, etc.:

Survey plat filings:

Minerals Management Service


Outer Continental Shelf; oil, gas, and sulfpur operations:

    Documents incorporated by reference; update, 37066-37068 [FR Doc. 98-18089]
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National Agricultural Statistics Service


Agency information collection activities:

    Proposed collection; comment request, 37091-37092 [FR Doc. 98-18269]
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National Institute of Standards and Technology


Fastener Quality Act; implementation

    Correction, 37170


Inventions, Government-owned; availability for licensing, 37093-37094 [FR Doc. 98-18211]
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Fishery conservation and management:

    Alaska; fisheries of Exclusive Economic Zone--
    Carribean, Gulf, and South Atlantic fisheries--
      Gulf of Mexico shrimp, 37070 [FR Doc. 98-18232]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]


Coastal zone management programs and estuarine sanctuaries:

    Consistency appeals--
      Chevron U.S.A., 37094 [FR Doc. 98-18192]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]

Environmental statements; availability, etc.:

    Coastal nonpoint pollution control programs; States and territories--
      Alabama, et al., 37094-37095 [FR Doc. 98-18202]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations; correction, 37059-37061 [FR Doc. 98-18229]
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Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:

    Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., 37145-37146 [FR Doc. 98-18228]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Office of United States Trade Representative

See Trade Representative, Office of United States

Public Health Service

See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Securities and Exchange Commission


Self-regulatory organizations; proposed rule changes:

    American Stock Exchange, Inc., 37151-37153 [FR Doc. 98-18147]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]
    Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., 37153-37155 [FR Doc. 98-18146]
    37155-37157 [FR Doc. 98-18148]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]
    Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc., 37157-37159 [FR Doc. 98-18149]
    37159-37160 [FR Doc. 98-18150]
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    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Applications, hearings, determinations, etc.:

    Tradepoint Financial Networks, 37146-37151 [FR Doc. 98-18151]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Social Security Administration


Agency information collection activities:

    Proposed collection; comment request, 37160-37162 [FR Doc. 98-18289]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

State Department


Agency information collection activities:

    Proposed collection; comment request, 37162 [FR Doc. 98-18264]
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Statistical Reporting Service

See National Agricultural Statistics Service

Textile Agreements Implementation Committee

See Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements

Trade Representative, Office of United States


Generalized System of Preferences:

    Annual product review (1997) and 1998 de minimis waver and redesignation reviews, 37162-37166 [FR Doc. 98-18285]
    [TEXT]   [PDF]

Transportation Department

See Federal Aviation Administration

See Federal Highway Administration

Treasury Department

See Customs Service


Currency and foreign transactions; financial reporting and recordkeeping requirements:

    Bank Secrecy Act; implementation--
      Casinos and card clubs; suspicious transactions reporting requirements, 37085 [FR Doc. 98-18126]
      [TEXT]   [PDF]

Separate Parts In This Issue

Part II

Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, 37171-37210 [FR Doc. 98-17589]
37210 [FR Doc. 98-17590]
37211 [FR Doc. 98-17591]
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Part III

Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, 37213-37229 [FR Doc. 98-18154]
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Part IV

Department of Education, 37231-37232 [FR Doc. 98-18208]
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Part V

Federal Trade Commission, 37233-37235 [FR Doc. 98-18203]
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Part VI

Federal Trade Commission, 37237-37242 [FR Doc. 98-18204]
[TEXT]   [PDF]

Reader Aids

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