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Title:Texas Man Fined for Faking Aircraft Life Raft Repairs
Date:June 21, 2002
Summary:Steve H. Lochhead, of McKinney, TX was ordered by a U.S. District Court judge in Sherman, TX, to pay $2,000 in fines and restitution of $3,413 for falsely certifying to the FAA that repairs had been made to life rafts used as survival gear on aircraft. Lochhead is part owner, chief inspector, and shop supervisor of C&M Marine, Inc., of Addison, TX, an FAA-certified repair station specializing in repairs to life rafts, life vests, and other life-saving equipment used on aircraft. FAA was alerted that life rafts and other equipment were returned to customers by C&M with certificates indicating they were serviceable when they had not been repaired. Lochhead pleaded guilty in March. OIG and the FBI conducted the investigation with assistance from FAA.

Related Information: OIG