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Title:Sacramento Airport Employees Charged for Lying to Obtain Security Badges
Date:March 08, 2002
Summary:Federal agents filed a criminal charge on March 8 against a security screener employed by Olympic Security Service at Sacramento, CA, International Airport for lying about her criminal history in order to gain employment. Luseane F. Heleta did not reveal to airport officials that she received two felony convictions for fraud, which involved losses over $10,000. The felonies would have disqualified Heleta from employment at the airport. Heleta pleaded guilty to the charges and will be sentenced in April.

Astrid Yolanda Uneputty, a ticket agent at the airport, was ordered to 60 days in jail by a U.S. District Court judge in Sacramento on March 5 for lying about her citizenship to gain employment. Uneputty used a fraudulent Social Security and alien registration cards to mask her identity to airport officials and falsify her application for an airport security badge.

Related Information: OIG