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Title:Federal Ship-Repair Overseer Pleads Guilty to Charge of Accepting Gratuity
Date:July 07, 1999
Summary:Former Maritime Administration employee Warren Hilton was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Beaumont, TX, in January 2000, for accepting gratuities. Hilton, formerly a marine surveyor at the Beaumont Reserve Fleet office, will be jailed 4 months, serve another 4 months' home detention, and pay $7,460 in restitution for accepting gratuities from a government contractor. He also will be placed on a year of supervised release. In July, Hilton pleaded guilty, admitting he received a color television, a videocassette recorder, and other items from CBH Services, Inc., a MARAD subcontractor. Costs of these gratuities were concealed in invoices submitted to MARAD to cover costs of repairing government vessels.

Related Information: OIG