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Title:Former Saint Lawrence Seaway Employee Ordered to Pay Approximately $55,000 for False Workers' Compensation Claims
Date:January 05, 2007
Summary:On January 5, 2007, Allen L. Dumas of Massena, New York, a former line handler for the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Syracuse, New York to 5 years of federal probation and ordered to repay $55,726 in workers' compensation benefits he illegally received from the Corporation. Dumas was also disqualified for life from receiving workers' compensation benefits. On September 18, 2006, Dumas pleaded guilty to one count of theft of public money.

Between December 2003 and November 2005, Dumas received $53,271 in workers' compensation payments and reimbursement for $2,454 in medical expenses for a lower back injury he sustained while working at the SLSDC in 2002. Dumas falsely certified to the U.S. Labor Department that he was not able to work when in fact, he began working as a truck driver in December 2003. This investigation was jointly conducted with the U.S. Department of Labor, with assistance from the SLSDC.

Related Information: OIG