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Title:Former Montana Airport Director Sentenced for Bribery Involving Land Sale to Missoula International Airport
Date:December 19, 2006
Summary:On December 19, John P. Seymour, former director of the Missoula International Airport, and two other men were sentenced in U.S. District Court in Missoula, Montana for their roles in a scheme to sell land to the airport at inflated prices. Seymour was ordered to serve 4 months in jail and 3 years supervised release. William J. Lefler and Roger D. Hall, who sold land to the airport at inflated levels, each received 5 years probation. The three men were also ordered to jointly pay $60,000 in restitution. The investigation disclosed that Seymour, Lefler and Hall conspired to sell property owned by Lefler and Hall to the airport for $603,000, which was $350,000 above the land’s highest appraised value. Seymour received a $60,000 kickback. This case grew out of an investigation by Missoula County law enforcement officials. In July 2005, Seymour was convicted on state embezzlement charges and ordered to serve 10 years in prison. This case was investigated with the FBI.

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