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Title:FHWA Suspends Former Bridge Lead Abatement Inspector for Taking Bribes
Date:March 15, 2006
Summary:On March 15, Michael Alan Zacker, former inspector for KTA Tater, Inc. (KTI), Pittsburgh, PA, was suspended pending debarment proceedings by FHWA from doing business with the Government. Zacker had served as an inspector on two federally–funded bridge lead abatement projects administered by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (OK–DOT). He pled guilty in June 2005 to charges of accepting bribes from a paint removal company in exchange for permitting the falsification of project documents such as, waste analysis reports that allowed the company to transport and dispose of hazardous waste in non–hazardous waste landfills. In September 2005, Zacker was sentenced to 12 months in prison. This investigation was conducted jointly with the EPA–CID and the OK–DOT.

Related Information: OIG