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Title:Connecticut Concrete Manufacturer Ordered to Pay $500,000 for Falsely Certifying that Products Used on a Major Highway Project Met Contract Specifications
Date:August 23, 2005
Summary:On August 23, United Concrete Products, Inc. (UCPI) of Wallingford, CT was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Bridgeport, CT to pay $499,000 in restitution and fined $1,000 for making false statements in connection with concrete products supplied to various prime contractors on the $500 million Interstate 95 Bridgeport corridor project. Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) specifications for concrete drainage assemblies, including catch basins, require steel supporting rods imbedded in the concrete. Between May 1999 and June 2002, UCPI submitted false certificates of conformance for 68 concrete drainage assemblies which did not meet those specifications. UCPI pled guilty in May 2005 to making false statements on the certificate of conformance associated with a shipment of concrete catch basins in October 2001. UCPI was initially suspended for a six-month period in 2002. The case was jointly investigated with the FBI, with assistance from ConnDOT and FHWA.

Related Information: OIG