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Title:Additional Guilty Plea in Case of Undocumented Aliens Employed by FAA Repair Station
Date:May 31, 2005
Summary:On May 31, Adonisio Hungwe pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Greensboro, NC to altering his social security card in order to gain employment at Triad International Maintenance Corporation, an FAA-certified repair station. Hungwe, an FAA-certified Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) mechanic, was arrested on March 8, 2005 under a large-scale federal arrest operation of alleged illegal aliens. Hungwe admitted to altering his social security card by obliterating a printed restriction on the card that the social security number was valid for “… work only with Department of Homeland Security authorization.” He remains in custody pending sentencing, scheduled for September 22, 2005. Hungwe will ultimately be deported due to an expired visa. Because he was legally in the United States when he applied for his A&P certificate, FAA does not plan to revoke it. This investigation is being conducted with DHS-ICE and the Social Security Administration.

Related Information: OIG