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Title:DC Woman Sentenced in FAA Employee Identities Theft Case
Date:November 15, 2004
Summary:Felicia Settles of Washington, DC was sentenced in U.S. District Court, Greenbelt, MD, to one year imprisonment and ordered to pay $82,000 in restitution following her guilty plea on June 14 to forging and trafficking identity cards. Between April 2000 and May 2001, Settles and Robert Clark, a former Headquarters FAA contract employee, illegally obtained the personal information of at least 28 FAA employees and 4 others. Clark and Settles used the stolen information to create false identification cards and obtained fraudulent lines of credit without the victims’ knowledge. The financial loss is estimated at approximately $362,496. Clark pleaded guilty on November 5 in U.S. District court in Greenbelt, MD to a single count of trafficking and using unauthorized and counterfeit access devices. Sentencing for Clark is set for February 11, 2005.

Related Information: OIG