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Title:Dywidag-Systems International Pays Over $1.5 Million for Bid Rigging on DOT-Funded Construction Projects
Date:December 15, 2003
Summary:Construction company Dywidag-Systems International USA, Inc. (DSI) paid $1,564,447 in a civil settlement to the Federal Government and the States of California and Georgia for its role in a conspiracy to rig bids on DOT-funded constructions projects. DSI is one of four defendants. Co-conspirators VSL Corporation and Avar Construction Systems, Inc., conspired to rig bids on Federally funded construction projects in California involving the specialty construction technique known as “post-tensioning.” DSI also conspired with VSL Corporation and Freyssinet International Et Cie to rig bids on federally funded bridge projects.

In April 2002, Rene Friedrich, the owner of Avar Construction Systems, Inc., and Freyssinet International Et Cie each agreed to pay $485,000 in civil fines for their roles in the conspiracies and violations of the False Claims Act. VSL Corporation has yet to reach a settlement agreement with the Government.

Related Information: OIG