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Title:Chicago Trucking Owner Arrested for Allegedly Bribing FMCSA Official
Date:May 13, 2003
Summary:Hei Yeng Kwok, owner of K&W Trading Co., a trucking company in Chicago, was arrested by OIG special agents on Federal bribery charges for allegedly attempting to pay a $2,000 bribe and later paying a $4,000 bribe to a FMCSA official in exchange for improving an unsatisfactory rating on the company’s safety compliance review. The company was ordered to cease interstate trucking on May 7. According to the complaint, a FMCSA safety compliance review of K&W begun in January could not be completed because K&W did not produce documents necessary to evaluate its compliance with federal regulations, such as driver qualification files, driver logs, daily vehicle inspection reports, and vehicle maintenance files. K&W failed to produce any documents relating to approximately 10 truck drivers the firm employed. At a follow-up visit in April to determine whether the firm had taken corrective action, Kwok allegedly forced $2,000 on the FMCSA specialist, who refused the bribe and notified OIG. The next day Kwok allegedly paid the official $4,000 to resolve the unsatisfactory rating. Kwok was released on $25,000 bond.

A complaint contains only charges and is not evidence of guilt. The defendant is presumed innocent and is entitled to a fair trial at which the United States has the burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
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Related Information: OIG