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ASABE Sections

As a benefit of membership, all ASABE and/or CSBE-SCGAB members living in the U.S. and Cananda are assigned a local section based on where they live. While not every section is active at this time, most that are hold local section meetings and events of interest to members. From technical tours and business meetings to fundraisers and socials, section meetings allow time for information sharing, networking and fellowship at the local level.

To access your section, roll your mouse over the map below and click.

Section Steering Committee 2008-2009
2008-2009 Section/NABEC Meetings
Section Officer Handbook
Section/NABEC Newsletters

2008 - 2009

1/23/09 Minnesota, Section Meeting with Featured Speaker, Fred Bergsrud, Univ of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Contact: Sonia M.M. Jacobsen Sonia.Jacobsen@mn.usda.gov
1/27/09 Quad City, Winter Meeting, TBA
Contact: Curt Elpers ElpersCurtA@JohnDeere.com
1/28/09 Chicago, Section Meeting with Speaker Jeff Burgard, Northern Illinois University, Naperville, IL
Contact: Dan Karlak dan.karlak@cnh.com
2/6/09 Oklahoma, Section Meeting, Oklahoma State university, Stillwater, OK
Contact: Mark Wilkins Mark.Wilkins@Okstate.edu
2/11/09 California/Nevada, Section Meeting, World Ag Expo, Tulare, CA
Contact: Carolyn Jones Carolyn.Jones@ca.usda.gov
2/17/09 Quad City, Continuing Education Seminar, TBA
Contact: Curt Elpers ElpersCurtA@JohnDeere.com
1/23/09 Minnesota, Section Meeting with Featured Speaker, Fred Bergsrud, Univ of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Contact: Sonia M.M. Jacobsen Sonia.Jacobsen@mn.usda.gov
3/24/09 Quad City, Awards Meeting, TBA
Contact: Curt Elpers ElpersCurtA@JohnDeere.com
3/26/09 Minnesota, UMN BBE Dept 100th Anniversary and Red Wing Project on Rural Electrification Historic Landmark Dedication, Univ of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Contact: Sonia M.M. Jacobsen Sonia.Jacobsen@mn.usda.gov
4/3&4/09 Mid-Central Sections Meeting, Ames, IA
Contact: Matthew Helmers mhelmers@iastate.edu
4/7/09 Puerto Rico, Mortgage Bankers Association Building, Hato Rey, PR
Contact: Megh Goyal Megh.Goyal@ece.uprm.edu
4/14/09 Quad City, Section Tour, TBA
Contact: Curt Elpers ElpersCurtA@JohnDeere.com
5/4-6/09 Quad City, Agricultural Machinery Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA
Contact: http://www.amc-online.org/
6/10-13/09 Florida, Annual Conference, Trade Show and Continuing Education Program, Daytona Beach, FL
Contact: Tim Sagul tjs@srwmd.org
7/12-16/09 CSBE-SCGAB, Annual General Meeting, Rodd Brundenell River Resort, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
Contact: Jim Townsend bioeng@shaw.ca
Joe Zulovich, Chair  zulovichj@missouri.edu
Chris Butts, Past Chair  cbutts@nprl.usda.gov
District 1 Rep - Palaniappa Krishnan  baba@UDel.Edu
District 2 Rep - Randy Raper  rlraper@auburn.edu
District 3 Rep - Chad Yagow   YagowChad@JohnDeere.com
District 4 Rep - Victor Duraj - vduraj@ucdavis.edu
District 5 Rep - Tom Bon  Thomas.Bon@ndsu.edu
Alabama - Buck Moore  buckm@bushhog.com
Arizona - Michael Kazz  mkazz@zelenenvironmental.com
Arkansas - Shawn Brewer  shawn.brewer@ar.usda.gov
California/Nevada - Carolyn Jones  Carolyn.Jones@ca.usda.gov
Central Illinois - Anthony Rund  Rund_Anthony_M@cat.com
Chicago - Bill Hughes  bill@innoquestinc.com
DC/Maryland - Gary Seibel  gseibel@umd.edu
Florida - Michael Dukes  mddukes@ufl.edu
Georgia - Jim Kastner  jkastner@engr.uga.edu
Hawaii - Daniel Jenkins  danielje@hawaii.edu
Iowa Section - Leslie Timmerman  anderson_leslie@hotmail.com
Kansas - Naiqian Zhang  zhangn@ksu.edu
Kentucky - Stephen Workman  sworkman@bae.uky.edu
Louisiana - Steve Hall  SGHall@agcenter.lsu.edu
Michigan - Paula Steiner  psteiner@nthconsultants.com
Minnesota - Sonia Jacobsen  sonia.jacobsen@mn.usda.gov
Mississippi - Kevin Howard  kevin.d.howard@deltaandpine.com
Missouri - Joe Zulovich  zulovichj@missouri.edu
NABEC - Robert Thompson  bob.thompson@vt.usda.gov
Nebraska - Roger Eigenberg  roger.eigenberg@ars.usda.gov
New Mexico - Derek Whitelock  dwhitelo@nmsu.edu
North Carolina - Bill Hunt  bill_hunt@ncsu.edu
Ohio - Jane Patterson Fife  fifeJ@battelle.org
Oklahoma - Terry Britton  terry.britton@okstate.edum
Pacific Northwest - Nabil Mohamed  nmohamed@greenwoodresources.com
Puerto Rico - Megh Goyal  mgoyal@uprm.edu
Quad City - Mark Bowers  bowersmarkd@johndeere.com
Red River Valley - Jeremy Mahowald  jmahowald@kwh.com
Rocky Mountain - Amy Johnson  cnaj@mywdo.com
South Carolina - Stephen Henry  stephen.henry@sc.usda.gov
Tennessee - Brian G. Lieb  bgleib@mail.ag.utk.edu
Texas - Jerry Walker  jerry.walker@ftw.usda.gov
Wisconsin - Randy Clark  Clark@RCIengineering.com

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085 | phone 269.429.0300 | fax 269.429.3852 | hq@asabe.org

©2008 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers