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U.S. Department of Transportation
Intelligent Transportation Systems Program
2005 Update

Slide 1. U.S. Department of Transportation
Intelligent Transportation Systems Program
2005 Update

Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting
Washington, DC

January 10, 2005

Jeffrey F. Paniati
Associate Administrator for Operations
Acting ITS Program Manager

Slide 2. Summary

  • Restructuring of the ITS Program
  • Major Initiatives Updates
    • Ongoing
    • New
    • Measures of Effectiveness
  • Other Key Activities
    • Exploratory Efforts
    • Crosscutting Programs

Slide 3. Restructuring of the ITS Program

  • Program reoriented to focus on fewer, larger, higher-risk, high-payoff "major initiatives."
  • Nine new major initiatives were approved by the Management Council.
  • Allow for completion of ongoing efforts and initiation of exploratory studies.
  • Fund crosscutting efforts—architecture, standards, professional capacity building, assessment, outreach—that support the overall goals of the ITS Program.

Slide 4. Major Initiatives

  • Problem-driven and results oriented.
  • Directly support USDOT's goals of safety, mobility, and global connectivity.
  • Multimodal.
  • Engage the private sector while also having a clear public sector role.
  • Opportunities to push the frontier in application of ITS.
  • Significant research and development component, as well as a testing and evaluation component.

Slide 5. Ongoing Major Initiatives

  • Mobility
    • 511 Deployment
  • Safety
    • Wireless E-911
    • CVISN
    • Intelligent Vehicle Initiative
  • Crosscutting:
    • Architecture Consistency

Slide 6. Update: Ongoing Initiatives

  • Intelligent Vehicle Initiative
    • Completed Light Vehicle Rear End Collision Avoidance FOT; will publish results of independent evaluation in spring 2005.
    • IVI Final Report will be published for ITS World Congress in San Francisco, fall 2005. Demonstration to be held.
  • 511
    • As of November 2004, 511 is available to 77 million Americans—26% of the U.S. population.
    • In 2005 the 511 Coalition activities to focus on targeted metropolitan areas.
  • E911
    • Recent legislation created E-911 JPO (NHTSA) and Grant Program.
  • Architecture Consistency
    • Final rule/policy fully effective April 2005.
    • Reauthorization language contains CVISN deployment grant funds.


511: Neb and Utah received 1 millionth call…latest systems to become active include VT, ND, AK, ME, NH, OR, KS, NC, Sacramento/NoCal, Tampa and CO…expected rollouts in 05 include: Indiana, NV, San Diego, Chicago, MO, LA, GA, NJ, NY, MA

Slide 7. New Major Initiatives

  • Safety
    • Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems
    • Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems
    • Next Generation 911
  • Mobility
    • Integrated Corridor Management Systems
    • Mobility Services for All Americans
    • Clarus
    • Emergency Transportation Operations
  • Global Connectivity
    • Universal Electronic Freight Manifest
  • Crosscutting:
    • Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

Slide 8. Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems

Safety Initiative

  • Vision
    • To equip all new vehicles with integrated driver assistance systems that help drivers avoid the most common types of crashes (rear-end, run-off-road, and lane change crashes).
  • Approach
    • Partner with private consortium of vehicle manufacturers.
    • Facilitate introduction and commercialization of integrated crash avoidance systems.
      • Develop tech-independent performance specifications.
      • Build and test prototype vehicles that meet these specifications.
      • Determine driver/operator acceptance of these specifications.


Had a public meeting Sept 21 in Michigan with approx. 110 participants from vehicle OEMs, suppliers, fleet operators, academics and consultants. Several entities sent "industry letters" with feedback from meeting, including Assoc of Automotive Manufacturers AAMA, truck manufacturers Assoc TMA, UMTRI, Visteon and Delphi Electronics and Safety. Results of the meeting, incorporating feedback from the letters, includes incorporating a critical path for light vehicles and incorporating complimentary activities tailored to the unique requirements of heavy and transit vehicles.

Expect to publish RFA for developmental and field operational stage of program in Spring 2005

Slide 9. Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems

Safety Initiative

  • Vision
    • To develop cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems that can save lives and prevent injuries at the most hazardous intersections nationally.
  • Approach
    • Partner with consortium of vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure owners.
    • Develop and demonstrate prototype systems, assess their value and user acceptance, develop and provide tools to support industry deployment.


In Dec 04 had a major stakeholder workshop that included 7 OEMs (CAMP), 5 states, 4 universities, along with some technology specialists. The objective of the meeting was to baseline the group on what research has been accomplished so far to support CICAS, identify technology gaps, and to start scoping out the full content of the program and begin defining an execution strategy.

Visions and strategies from the vehicle perspective and infrastructure perspective were presented and debated and the kickoff meeting. Next steps include merging both perspectives into a single unified evolutionary strategy, concept of operations, and architecture and to define system level requirements for a cooperative system. A follow up workshop is planned for Feb 2005 and will continue the process as well as define a program roadmap and work plan.

Slide 10. Next Generation 9-1-1

Safety Initiative

  • Vision
    • E911 "calls" from any communication or networked device.
    • Fundamental changes (who, what, where, how) in moving emergency information.
  • Approach
    • Partner with public safety agencies and telecom industry.
    • Broadly seek innovative technical/institutional solutions.
    • Define a system architecture, develop a transition plan.
      • Consider responsibilities, costs, benefits, schedule for nationwide deployment.


  • NG9-1-1: A series of stakeholder forums to support technical requirements development is planned. Other, larger forces are underway that may affect the direction of the initiative including Congressional legislation calling for NHTSA and NTIA to establish a National E9-1-1 Office (H.R. 5419) and near-term industry and PSAP actions dealing with current voice-over-IP problems in connecting to the 9-1-1 system.
  • The RFI draft has been reviewed and is ready for publication

Slide 11. Integrated Corridor Management Systems

Mobility Initiative

  • Vision
    • Improved mobility through integrated management of transportation assets—freeways, arterials, transit, managed lanes—in major transportation corridors in metropolitan areas.
  • Approach
    • Address organizational, operational, and technical barriers to successful integrated corridor management.
    • Demonstrate how mobility, safety, and productivity can be increased in major corridors by:
      • Efficient, effective, proactive use of ITS.
      • Improved use of real-time data sharing.
      • Implementing demand management strategies.


Held kickoff meeting in December 2004.

In the process of awarding a major task to conduct various foundational activities such as refining the definition of an integrated corridor, developing requirements, identifying existing analysis tools, strategies, etc. as well as conducting case studies of existing integrated corridor efforts.

Slide 12. Mobility Services for All Americans

Mobility Initiative

  • Vision
    • Increase mobility and accessibility for the transportation disadvantaged and the general public through transportation service coordination.
  • Approach
    • Promote optimal allocation of resources and technology deployment through coalition building.
    • Identify needs and gaps in current practice; barriers experienced by people, agencies, service providers.
    • Conduct FOTs for integration and addressing unmet needs.
    • Create a replicable/scalable traveler management coordination center.


To date, a core program management team has been created to perform day-to-day program operations and management, as well as a federal interagency coalition to provide advisory and oversight functions. A contractor has been selected and has started to work on the foundation research. It will identify needs/gap assessment; look what the institutional service barriers are; and what are the technologies to address unmet needs/barriers. The final foundation research project plan was submitted to and approved by the program management team in November. All 10 regional interagency coordination workshops have been delivered, and draft plans/frameworks for action have been developed. In addition, the program management team has been working closely with the Presidential Interagency Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility Workgroups on action plans and deliverables related to ITS services and technologies.

Slide 13. Clarus

Mobility Initiative

  • Vision
    • Reduce the impact of adverse weather for all road users and operators by creating a nationwide road weather observation network and forecasting system.
  • Approach
    • Cultivate partnership between weather and transportation communities—public and private.
    • Promote stakeholder ownership and consensus in an open system design that links existing RWIS and supports future expansion.
    • Establish basic data management functions and a system focused on stakeholder needs.
      • Multi-state regional demo to test system.
      • Model deployment.


Clarus: the Concept of Operations (COO) draft is under development; the RFP for Clarus system design has been issued and proposals are being reviewed. Intent is to have system design and test within 20 months after award

The first public meeting was held in late September at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, and was attended by approximately 60 stakeholders from public, private, meteorological and transportation sectors. The next meeting is planned for March 2–3 in Las Vegas in conjunction with the ITE Spring meeting

Slide 14. Emergency Transportation Operations

Mobility Initiative

  • Vision
    • Faster and better prepared responses to major incidents, shorter incident duration, reduced impact, and more rapid restoration of normal travel conditions.
  • Approach
    • Build partnership between transportation, public safety, and security communities.
    • Develop tools, guidance, and standards.
      • Focus on three subtopics:
        • Heavy towing/recovery and hazmat response.
        • Improved evacuation methods and major incident traveler info.
        • Standards facilitating incident response and integration.


  • ETO (Towing/Hazmat): This project, which will assess the utility of off-the-shelf camera-phones for relay traffic incident imagery, will begin in January 2005 as part of the CapWIN project.
  • ETO (DOJ/DOT Data Sharing): DOT and DOJ agreed to a work plan in mid-November; DOJ will manage the project via the Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute. FHWA and the Department of Justice are working to coordinate the inclusion of the Incident Management standards, known as IEEE 1512, into the JusticeXML and a formal agreement is expected to be drawn up in early 2004.
  • In the last quarter of 04, awards were made for several tasks, including: Assessment of State of the Practice and State of the Art in Evacuation Transportation Management, ITS to Enhance Incident Response, Communicating with the Public Using ATIS During Disasters, Define Service Concepts for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation to Support Emergency Transportation Operations, Low-Cost Surveillance of Rural Evacuation Routes, and Application of Technology to Transportation Operations in Biohazard Situations
  • In early 2005, the initiative plans to develop a method for an initial assessment of standards demo sites

Slide 15. Universal-Electronic Freight Manifest

Global Connectivity Initiative

  • Vision
    • Improved operational efficiency, productivity, and security of the transportation system through the use of a common electronic freight manifest and message portal that enables access to shipment information to all supply chain partners in real time.
  • Approach
    • Focus on air freight supply chain.
      • Expand pre-existing stakeholder groups—shippers, carriers.
      • Standardize electronic messages and biometric identifiers.
      • Develop a message portal to carry an electronic manifest across the entire supply chain.
      • Develop a system architecture to define linkages to supply chain users.
      • Develop business case to define rules and procedures for supply chain partners.


The Electronic Freight Manifest Initiative has had kick off meetings recently for two of its foundational element projects. The Freight Information Highway component (which will develop connectivity for the freight IT infrastructure) held its initial meeting Nov 19 via webcast. The EFM-Columbus Deployment Test held its initial meeting in Columbus, OH October 12–13.

The Limited Brands has expressed interest in bringing their supply chain partners (i.e., air carriers, freight forwarders, Customs brokers and shippers) to participate in the EFM Initiative. Many of them attended the Columbus meeting and also expressed interest in participating. The Limited would participate in the EFM as a subcontractor to Battelle. Currently Battelle is tasked with designing a concept of operations for a deployment test of EFM. The meeting in Columbus in October explained the concept of the Freight Information Highway in more detail and solicited input from interested parties. Additionally, Customs and TSA attended the meeting and progress was made in drawing them into the project.

Slide 16. Vehicle Infrastructure Integration

Crosscutting Initiative

  • Vision
    • To achieve nationwide deployment of an integrated communications infrastructure on the roadways and in all production vehicles to enable a broad range of safety and mobility services that today are unattainable.
  • Approach
  • Convene a "VII Coalition"—auto manufacturers, AASHTO, USDOT—to work through issues in the technical, policy, business models, and outreach areas.
  • Initiate a program to develop DSRC prototypes that will validate DSRC standards and provide equipment for testing elements of the VII concept.
  • Define a VII test concept and demonstrate value to all parties.


Feb 9–10 in San Francisco there will be an public meeting to discuss Applications, Technical Approach, Deployment approach, and Policy issues – e.g. privacy; this meeting will be followed up with later workshops on individual, more focused subjects

Auto Companies have formed the VII Consortium non-profit Corp…

Requirements based on Use Cases documented, Deployment analysis underway

VII Web Site will be activated on Jan 26th which will widen the reach of the initiative and involve a larger community.

Preliminary VII technical architecture has been completed

ASTM has developed a standard for the application layer and the FCC has made a ruling that any DSRC user must comply with the ASTM standard

Slide 17. Measures of Effectiveness

  • Established four broad criteria to facilitate a more formal decisionmaking process and keep Initiatives on track.
    • Measures track well with initiative roadmaps and milestones.
  • Management Council will use these criteria to assess the direction of the initiatives and also whether to continue activities or terminate efforts.
  • Criteria are:
    • Stakeholder Acceptance
    • Scope Refinement
    • Business and Technical Architecture
    • Assessment


Stakeholder Acceptance

  • Obtain and respond to feedback, hold meetings, assess level of effort and support

Scope Refinement

  • Scheduling, problem definition, method, objective, development and achievability of hypothesis

Business and Technical Architecture

  • Development of and refinements to project/product design and implementation, roles/responsibilities, costs/revenues


  • Evaluation strategy, location, means, methods, leveraging activities and results

Slide 18. Exploratory Efforts

  • Small short term efforts to scope a problem area.
  • Intended to build the case for a future major initiative.
  • Current projects:
    • Pedestrian Safety.
    • ITS to Detect Unsafe Driving Behaviors.
    • Teen Drivers.
    • VII for Mobility.
    • BRT Lane Assist.
    • Wireless Truck Inspections.


BRT: had kickoff, project leaders and stakeholders will travel to Europe in early 2005 (FR, Germ, Netherlands) with VAA to look at activities in lane assist, vehicle automation and precision docking

Teen: held meeting with SMEs in October 04, developing a proposal to go to Tier 1

VII-M: held SME meeting in Dec 04 to identify potential applications and research issues

Slide 19. Crosscutting Programs

  • Efforts that provide the foundation for ITS deployment.
    • ITS Standards
    • National Architecture
    • Professional Capacity Building
    • Program Assessment
    • Outreach


User testing on the website prototype will begin at the end of this week; the prototype will be tested for design and organization elements. A draft site will be developed for review by January 13. JPO will review and the site is expected to be launched April 1

Slide 20. Conclusion

  • Level of activity is high; projects are moving forward rapidly.
  • Major initiatives provide opportunities to push the frontier of ITS forward.
  • Exciting time to get involved.
    • Look for opportunities to participate, especially the private sector.
  • Stakeholder communication, involvement, and feedback is absolutely critical.
  • Focus is on solutions and products, not reports, and the intent is to advance deployment of ITS.

Updated October 9, 2008 4:11 PM