Customer Services



December 4, 2000

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: SGML/XML Federal Register Briefing

For several years, the Government Printing Office (GPO) has offered discounts in the rates charged for publishing in the Federal Register to agencies submitting data in electronic formats. Circular Letter No. 468, dated August 1, 2000, ( contains the current rates for all submissions, and includes rates effective January 1, 2001, for "Billing Code F - Fully coded and validated (locator files)."

As GPO now produces the Federal Register using the SGML/XML coding method, fully coded locator files must first be translated to SGML before they can be added to the Federal Register database. Because of this, GPO will soon stop accepting these files for the submission of Federal Register data.

On January 17, 2001, GPO will present a briefing on its use of SGML in the production of the Federal Register to interested Federal agency customers. If you currently submit data to the Office of the Federal Register, and especially if you would like to begin submitting this data in SGML, we encourage you to attend. The 2-hour briefing will include a short introduction to SGML; a demonstration of editing software that can help in creating data (Word, WordPerfect); and case studies which will include reports from agency representatives who currently produce SGML-coded data for the Federal Register, and an opportunity to ask questions of them. An informal discussion will follow the briefing.


Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001

Place: U.S. Government Printing Office, Carl Hayden Room, 8th Floor, 732 North Capitol Street NW., Washington, DC 21404

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Briefing followed by informal discussion.

NOTE: An afternoon briefing (from 1:30 to 3:30) may be scheduled to accommodate all who wish to attend.

To register to attend this free briefing, or if you have any questions regarding the submission of your Federal Register data, please call William Reilly on 202-512-1369 or Bob Winters on 202-512-2010, ext. 31142.


Director, Customer Services

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Page #CIR476   December 4, 2000