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Circular Letter No. 611 – Amended to change contact information.

May 9, 2006

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Planned Reduction of Excess Stock in GPO Publications Sales Inventory

This is to inform you that, as part of the Government Printing Office (GPO) plan to consolidate its warehouse space, GPO has identified a significant number of its sales publications as excess to its program needs. GPO staff will be contacting the appropriate persons within your agency in the next few weeks via telephone and e-mail to offer these excess copies to them at no charge. We would appreciate your notifying appropriate staff of this planned action. We hope they will be able to take advantage of this offer to replenish their publications inventory. Any copies not transferred to the publishing agencies will be disposed of as scrap.

If you have any questions about the information contained in this Circular Letter, please contact: Jeff Horbinski, Manager, Office of Content Acquisition, at


Managing Director, Customer Services

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