Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Operations / ITS Provisions in SAFETEA-LU

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Operations / ITS Provisions in Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient
Transportation Equity Act - Legacy For Users (SAFETEA-LU)
What's in There and What's Not

Jeff Lindley
Operations / Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Discipline Meeting
August 16, 2005

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  • Review of Reauthorization Objectives
  • What's In There (details)
  • What's Not
  • How Did We Do?
  • Challenges
  • Next Steps

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Operations / ITS Reauthorization Objectives

  • Establish a specific foundation for Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O)
  • Implement programs and provisions that will help agencies enhance system performance
  • Institutionalize freight management and increase freight management investment
  • Continue strong ITS program

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What's In There (Operations)

  • Real-Time System Management Information Program (1201)
  • High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Provisions (1121)
  • Toll Provisions (1604)
  • Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions Research Program (5502)
  • Road Weather Research & Development (R&D) Program (5308)
  • Future Strategic Highway Research Program (5210)

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What's In There - Freight

  • Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Grant Program (1306)
  • Freight Planning Capacity Building Program (5204(h))
  • National Cooperative Freight Transportation Research Program (5209)
  • Projects of Regional & National Significance (1301)
  • National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program (1302)
  • Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program (1303)

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What's In There - ITS

  • ITS Research (5301-5310)
  • Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) Deployment (4126)
  • Extension / Expansion of Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program (ITIP) Program (5508)

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1201 - Real-Time System Managment Information Program

  • Program to provide real-time travel conditions and information sharing in all States
  • Required data exchange formats established within two years
  • Must be addressed in regional ITS architectures
  • Planning and deployment eligible under National Highway Specifications (NHS), Surface Transportation Program (STP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) programs

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1121 - HOV Facilities

  • States permitted to create HOT lanes
  • States can permit low emission / energy efficient vehicles (will include most, if not all hybrids) to use HOV lanes
  • Low emission / energy efficient vehicles may be tolled (not at full rate)
  • Performance monitoring required
  • High level of service must continue to be provided

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1604 - Tolling Provisions

  • Continues Value Pricing program and provides $59 million in new funding
  • Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) participation limited to 15 States (14 existing)
  • New Express Lanes Demonstration Program
    • Focused on managing congestion, reducing emission
    • New capacity or existing HOV or toll capacity can be tolled
    • Limited to 15 projects, no separate funding provided

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5502 - Surface Transportation Congestion Relief Solutions

  • $36 million over 4 years for research, $3 million over 4 years for training and technical assistance
  • Focused on congestion measurement and reporting, implementation of effective congestion relief strategies

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5210 - Future Strategic Highway Research Program

  • $205 million over 4 years
  • National Academies of Science program
  • 4 major program elements, including improving reliability
  • 100 percent Federal share

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1306 - Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Grant Program

  • Grants to support intermodal freight transportation infrastructure and initiatives
  • $30 million over 5 years
  • Selection process defined, but funding fully set aside for projects in Oregon, Georgia, California, Alaska, and North Carolina
  • Report to Congress after 3 years

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5204(h) - Freight Planning Capacity Building

  • $3.5 million over 4 years for freight training and education activities, including information dissemination, peer exchange, data and analysis tools, and technical assistance
  • No match required

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5209 - National Cooperative Freight Transportation Research Program

  • National Academies of Science program to conduct freight transportation research
  • Guided by advisory committee
  • $15 million over 4 years
  • No match required
  • Other funds may be used to support research

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1301 - Projects of National and Regional Significance

  • $1,779 million over 5 years
  • $500+ million for major projects with national and regional benefits
  • Selection criteria defined, but program funding fully set aside for 25 projects in 16 States

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1302 - National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program

  • $1,948 million over 5 years
  • Corridor projects designed to promote economic growth and international or interregional trade
  • Selection criteria defined, but program funding fully set aside for 33 projects in 23 States

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1303 - Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program

  • $833 million over 5 years
  • Border State projects designed to improve safe and efficient movement of motor vehicles and freight at or across borders with Canada and Mexico
  • Formula program based on number of ports of entry, commercial truck and bus and motor vehicle traffic, cargo weight
  • Projects in Canada and Mexico eligible
  • Limited funding transfers to General Services Administration (GSA) permitted

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5301 - 5310 - ITS Research

  • $110 million per year with annual set asides for I-95 corridor ($7m) and road weather R&D ($5m)
  • New program plan within one year
  • $250k annual cap on outreach activities
  • New advisory committee required
  • Specific system performance goals, including nationwide deployment of 511 by 2010
  • ITS Integration Program repealed as of 10/1/2005

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4126 - CVISN Deployment

  • $100 million over 4 years
  • Core deployment and expanded deployment grants - capped at $2.5 million total per State
  • 50 percent program share, 80 percent Federal share
  • Administered by Frederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

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5508 - Transportation Technology Innovation and Demo Program

  • Extension of existing Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Program
  • 22 new eligible cities
  • Must create and compete new program to use uncommitted and any new appropriated funds

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Other Provisions

  • Temporary Traffic Control Devices (1110)
  • Interstate Oasis Program (1310)
  • GCM Corridor Earmark (1943)
  • I-95 Corridor Earmark (5211)
  • Highways for Life (1502)
  • Catastrophic Hurricane Evacuation Plans (10204)
  • Truck Parking Facilities (1305)
  • Idle Reduction Facilities (1412)
  • Future of Surface Transportation System (1909)
  • Categorical Exclusion for ITS Projects (6010)

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What's Not in There

  • Separate section on TSM&O
  • Congestion relief Federal-aid programs
  • Separate ITS deployment funding
  • Freight coordinator requirement
  • NHS connectors set aside

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How Did We Do?

  • Additional Federal-aid funding for operations / freight / ITS projects and activities
  • More focus on congestion relief, system performance, reliability, freight management
  • Continuation of operations / freight / ITS focus in R&D programs

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  • Constraints on R&D Funding
  • Proliferation of deadlines, studies, Congressional reports, etc.

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What's Next

  • Fact sheets and other outreach material
  • Figuring out what we really have in the way of available resources
  • Understanding short term requirements and getting organized to accomplish
Office of Operations