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Coal Mine Respirable Dust and Plan Verification Proposed Rules
Single Source Page

Page Last Updated 07/03/2003
See Below

In order to provide you with easy access to information regarding the publication of the recent proposed rules concerning the "Determination of Concentration of Respirable Coal Mine Dust (Single Sample)" and "Ventilation Plans, Tests, and Examinations in Underground Coal Mines" proposed rules, we are providing this page.

Updates to the this page will be noted at the top of the page.

Proposed Rules

30 CFR Parts 70, 75 and 90
Verification of Underground Coal Mine Operators' Dust Control Plans and
Compliance Sampling for Respirable Dust
  • 03-3941 - Proposed Rule

  • FedReg C3-3941 - Correction (03/31/2003) [ HTML | PDF ]

  • 03-6220 - Notice of public hearings; close of record.

  • 03-7753 - Corrections

  • 03-13528 - Extension of Comment Period

  • 03-16979 - Extension of Comment Period Added July 3, 2003
30 CFR Part 72
Determination of Concentration of Responsible Coal Mine Dust
Supporting Statements
  • 03-3941
    OMB No. - 1219-0011
    30 CFR Parts 70, 75, and 90
    Verification of Underground Coal Mine Operators' Dust Control Plans and Compliance Sampling for Respirable Dust

  • 03-5402
    OMB No. - 1219-0088
    30 C.F.R. §§ 75.310, 75.312, 75.342, 75.351, 75.360, 75.361, 75.362, 75.363, 75.364, 75.370 and 75.382 - Ventilation Plans, Tests, and Examinations in Underground Coal Mines
Preliminary Regulatory Economic Analysis
  • PREA
    The Proposed Rule Concerning Determination of Concentration of Respirable Coal Mine Dust (RIN-1219-AB18)
    The Proposed Rule for Verification of Underground Coal Mine Operators= Dust Control Plans and Compliance Sampling for Respirable Dust (RIN-1219-AB14)
Previous Proposed Rules
  • 00-14075
    Determination of Concentration of Respirable Coal Mine Dust - (07/07/2000)

  • 00-16149
    Verification of Underground Coal Mine Operators' Dust Control Plans and Compliance Sampling for Respirable Dust (07/07/2000)
Draft Coal Mine Health Inspection Procedures Handbook
    The draft Chapter 1 is being made available during the comment period for the proposed single-sample/plan verification rules. Comments are not being solicited on Chapter 1. The information in the draft document should be used in making comments in relation to the proposed rules. The Agency is only accepting comments as stated in the two proposals.

  • Get Handbook
Redesignation Table
    At 68 FR 10784 (March 6, 2003), part 70, subpart D of part 75, consisting of §§75.370 and 75.371, and part 90 were revised and redesignated. For convenience of the reader, the following table shows the relationship of the existing CFR section numbers to the proposed CFR section numbers.

  • Get Table
  Powerpoint® Presentation
    The following presentation on the Single Sample and Plan Verification Proposed Rules was given at the dust hearings in May 2003.

    The presentation is a general overview of the 2000 single sample and the 2003 plan verification proposed rules.

    The plan verification rule is designed to develop effective plans, provide for control of dust and the monitoring of the effectiveness of those controls.

    The single sample rule provides for a new finding. That finding is that the average concentration can accurately be measured over a single shift, contrary to what we currently have is that we have to average multiple samples. This presentation is available in HTML format, Powerpoint®, and PDF.

  • HTML
  • PDF
  • Powerpoint

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