Title 15--Commerce and Foreign Trade



TEXT PDF280.1 Description of rule/Delegation of authority.
TEXT PDF280.2 Definitions used in this subpart.
TEXT PDF280.101 Petitions for approval of documents.
TEXT PDF280.102 Affirmations.
TEXT PDF280.103 Laboratory accreditation.
TEXT PDF280.200 Scope.
TEXT PDF280.201 Violations.
TEXT PDF280.202 Penalties, remedies, and sanctions.
TEXT PDF280.203 Administrative enforcement proceedings.
TEXT PDF280.204 Institution of administrative enforcement proceedings.
TEXT PDF280.205 Representation.
TEXT PDF280.206 Filing and service of papers other than charging letter.
TEXT PDF280.207 Answer and demand for hearing.
TEXT PDF280.208 Default.
TEXT PDF280.209 Summary decision.
TEXT PDF280.210 Discovery.
TEXT PDF280.211 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF280.212 Matter protected against disclosure.
TEXT PDF280.213 Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF280.214 Hearings.
TEXT PDF280.215 Interlocutory review of rulings.
TEXT PDF280.216 Proceeding without a hearing.
TEXT PDF280.217 Procedural stipulations; extension of time.
TEXT PDF280.218 Decision of the administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF280.219 Settlement.
TEXT PDF280.220 Reopening.
TEXT PDF280.221 Record for decision and availability of documents.
TEXT PDF280.222 Appeals.
TEXT PDF280.300 Recorded insignia required prior to offer for sale.
TEXT PDF280.310 Application for insignia.
TEXT PDF280.311 Review of the application.
TEXT PDF280.312 Certificate of recordal.
TEXT PDF280.313 Recordal of additional insignia.
TEXT PDF280.320 Maintenance of the certificate of recordal.
TEXT PDF280.321 Notification of changes of address.
TEXT PDF280.322 Transfer or amendment of the certificate of recordal.
TEXT PDF280.323 Transfer or assignment of the trademark registration or recorded insignia.
TEXT PDF280.324 Change in status of trademark registration or amendment of the trademark.
TEXT PDF280.325 Cumulative listing of recordal information.
TEXT PDF280.326 Records and files of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
