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Circular Letters 2003

Circular Letters form a vital communications link between the Government Printing Office and its customers in the Federal community.

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December 2003

548 (12.30.03) - Rider Requisitions for the FY 2005 Budget of the U.S. Government (bound volumes and CD-ROM)

547 (12.16.03) - Rider Requisitions for the Economic Report of the President 2004

546 (12.15.03) - Rider Orders for the 2003 Edition of the Statistical Abstract of the United States

545 (12.15.03) - Rider Requisitions for GAO Publication, Volume I of Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, third edition

544 (12.10.03) - Rider Orders for the Paper Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 1 through 16, revised January 1, 2004

November 2003

543 (11.13.03) - Rider Orders for the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States

September 2003

542 (09.18.03) - Establishment of New Contract for Digital Color Printing and Other Printing Services

541 (09.17.03) - Rider Orders for the Paper Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 42 through 50, revised October 1, 2003

540 (09.03.03) - Rider Requisitions for the Congressional Directory for the 108th Congress

August 2003

539 (08.26.03) - U.S. Code, 2000 Edition, Supplement I

538 (08.11.03) - Rider Orders for the Government Auditing Standards 2003 revision, commonly known as the Yellow Book

537 (08.06.03) - Rider Ordeers for United States Statutes At Large (2002)

536 (08.06.03) - References to GPO Bookstores in Agency Publications

July 2003

535 (07.07.03) - Rider Orders for the United States Government Manual, 2003/04 edition, revised June 15, 2003 (PDF)

June 2003

534 (06.19.03) - U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Compact for Government Printing

533 (06.17.03) - Rider Orders for the Paper Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 28 through 41, revised July 1, 2003

532 (06.06.03) - Availability of the U.S. Code on CD-ROM from the U.S. Government rinting Office

May 2003

531 (05.27.03) - Rider Orders for Office of Special Counsel Publications and Posters

530 (05.15.03) - Rider Orders for the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States

April 2003

529 (04.18.03) - Fiscal Year 2004 Open Requisitions

March 2003

528 (03.20.03) - Federal Depository Library Program Quantities for Publications Produced via Direct-Deal Term Contracts

527 (03.12.03) - Rider Orders for the Paper Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Titles 17 through 27, revised April 1, 2003

February 2003

526 (02.14.03) - Rider Orders for Federal Emergency Management Agency Publication, Are You Ready? A Guide to Citizen Preparedness

525 (02.03.03) - Rider Orders for United States Statutes At Large (2001)

January 2003

524 (01.31.03) - Rider Orders for Office of Special Counsel Publications and Posters

523 (01.16.03) - Rider Orders for Office of Special Counsel Posters

522 (01.07.03) - Management Appointments at the Government Printing Office (GPO)

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