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e-CFR Data is current as of November 3, 2008

Title 45: Public Welfare

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Section Contents
§ 9.1   Purpose.
§ 9.2   Policy.
§ 9.3   Delegations of authority.
§ 9.4   Criteria.
§ 9.5   Restrictions.

Authority:   27 Stat. 395, as amended; 20 U.S.C. 91.

Source:   34 FR 18938, Nov. 27, 1969, unless otherwise noted.

§ 9.1   Purpose.

To enhance the availability of DHHS scientific research and study facilities to academic scientists, engineers, and qualified students.

§ 9.2   Policy.

It is the policy of the Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with the policy of the President announced on February 21, 1969, to make research and study facilities of the Department readily available to the scientific community, especially qualified academic scientists and engineers. Unique, unusual, and expensive-to-duplicate facilities at laboratories and other study and research facilities of the Department will be made available to the national scientific community, to the maximum extent practical without serious detriment to the missions of those facilities. It is also the policy of the Department to permit qualified students and graduates of institutions of learning in the several States, and territories, as well as the District of Columbia, to use study and research facilities of the Department. When such facilities are used by academic scientists, engineers, and students, the costs incurred for the operation of the unique or unusual research facilities, as well as of the other facilities, should be funded by the operating agency responsible for the operation of that facility, except for any significant incremental costs incurred in support of research not directly related to an HHS mission.

§ 9.3   Delegations of authority.

(a) The heads of operating agencies are delegated authority for negotiations and decisions as to the use of Department facilities by qualified academic scientists, engineers, and students.

(b) The heads of operating agencies may (and are encouraged to) redelegate to the heads of their respective component organizations, with the power to further redelegate to laboratory directors, the authority for negotiations and decisions as to the use of departmental facilities. Appropriate use shall be made of advisory groups in formulating their decisions.

§ 9.4   Criteria.

(a) The official permitting use of Department facilities must determine that it would be consistent with the programs of his activity to participate. Facilities may be made available provided the use of such facilities will be of direct benefit to the objectives of the academic scientist, or engineer, or student, with the prospect of fruitful interchange of ideas and information between Department personnel and the academic scientist, or engineer, or student, and such use will not interfere with the Department program.

(b) The official permitting use of Department facilities will furnish the non-Government user with safety requirements or operating procedures to be followed. Such requirements or procedures are to include the requirement to report to the permitting official any accident involving the non-Government user.

(c) The official delegated authority for approving the use of Department facilities will not permit the use of laboratory facilities unless he determines:

(1) That facilities are available for the period desired; and

(2) That the proposed research will not interfere with regular Department functions or needs, nor require the subsequent acquisition of additional equipment by the Department.

§ 9.5   Restrictions.

(a) Each individual authorized to use Department facilities will be expected to use the facilities and equipment with customary care and otherwise conduct himself in such manner as to complete his research or study within any time limits prescribed.

(b) Each individual authorized to use HHS facilities may not be authorized to sign requisitions for supplies and equipment.

(c) Any official approving the use of HHS facilities should seek an agreement, executed by non-Government users, absolving the Federal agency of liability in case of personal injury, death, and failure or damage to the non-Government user's experiments or equipment. The agreement must also contain a statement that the non-Government user will comply with all safety regulations and procedures while using such facilities.

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August 1, 2007
