Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Professional Development - Talking Freight Seminars

Freight Professional Development (FPD)

Talking Freight Seminars

Come hear the latest on freight transportation trends and challenges in the 21st Century.

The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Office of Freight Management and Operations, in partnership with the FHWA’s Office of Planning, is hosting the “Talking Freight” seminars via the telephone and Internet. The seminars are part of a broader Freight Professional Development Program initiative aimed at providing technical assistance, training, tools, and information to help the freight and planning workforce meet the transportation challenges of tomorrow. Seminars will be held on a monthly basis throughout the year and are open to all interested parties in both the public and private sectors. The schedule of planned seminars is on the reverse. To register for the “Talking Freight” seminars, please go to If you have questions, please call or email Jennifer Seplow, SAIC, at 703-676-6849,

Why dial in?

With limited travel budgets and busy work schedules, it has become increasingly more difficult for freight and freight planning practitioners to get needed information, training, and education to keep up to date with the latest trends, tools, and noteworthy practices in freight transportation. The seminars provide a convenient and no-cost way for transportation practitioners to broaden their knowledge base and develop new skills to help them do their jobs better. These topics were chosen based on suggestions made at various freight outreach events and during conversations with freight stakeholders. For 2004, FHWA identified many topics and speakers outside the traditional public transportation development process, including the perspectives of freight transportation users (shippers and manufacturers) and providers (trucking companies and railroads), economic development organizations, and professional associations, to name a few.

As an added benefit, participants will be given the opportunity to register for a Freight Peer Exchange. The Peer Exchange is located on the Freight Planning Listserv (, which is managed by FHWA’s Office of Planning in coordination with FHWA’s Office of Freight Management and Operations. The Peer Exchange serves as another resource to expand participants’ freight transportation knowledge.

How it works

The seminars are interactive and are held via teleconference and the Internet. All that is needed is a telephone and a 56K Internet connection. This format allows for extensive participation of freight stakeholders from across the country. Each seminar will last 90 minutes, with 60 minutes allocated for the presentation, and 30 minutes for audience Q&As. Through the use of web conferencing, participants will be able to view the speaker's presentation on their personal computer and hear the audio portion of the presentation by dialing into the assigned teleconference number.

The “Talking Freight” Web site provides details about each of the seminars and information about registration. It is also used for logging on to the web conference and providing feedback after each seminar. Seminars are recorded and archived on the “Talking Freight” Web site as well. Once participants register for a particular seminar, they will receive an email with directions for logging on to the web conference and the teleconference.

We look forward to your participation and hope that you will find the “Talking Freight” seminars beneficial to your professional needs.

Date & Time Topic Description of Topic Speakers
Jul 21,
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Eastern Daylight
Time (EDT)
Freight Movements and the Environment Learn about freight-related air quality issues and regulations and the use of idle reduction and other technologies. Hear examples of Transportation Improvement Plans containing electrification projects and the use of CMAQ funds to pay for them.
  • Jeff Welch, Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization
  • Paul Bubbosh, U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality
  • Mike Savonis, FHWA Office of Natural and Human Environment
Aug 18
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Freight Safety Issues Hear about HAZMAT transportation, rail grade crossings, hours of service, and other freight transportation safety issues.
  • Randy Speight, American Chemistry Council
  • Chuck Horan, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Sep 15
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Freight Security Issues Learn more about the effects of the 2002 Trade Act on freight mobility and what FHWA is doing to ensure the security of the transportation system. Then hear about the effects these security measures are having on various trade routes.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency
  • John Gerner, FHWA
  • Chip White, Georgia Institute of Technology
Oct 20
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Perspectives from Freight Transportation Providers

(Part 3 of 3)
Hear from experts in the air cargo and logistics industries on current and future freight trends and challenges. TBD
Nov 17
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Eastern Standard
Time (EST)
Uses of Freight Technology Learn about best practices from various freight ITS projects and how they can be incorporated into the daily operations of both government and industry.
  • Rich Biter, DOT, Office of the Secretary, Office of Intermodalism
  • Mike Onder, FHWA
  • Joe DeLorenzo, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Mohan Venigalla, George Mason University
Dec 15
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Multi-jurisdictional Coalitions Hear about the benefits of multi-jurisdictional coalitions in addressing freight transportation challenges.
  • Dilara Rodriguez, Caltrans, I-10 Partnership
  • Bob Zuelsdorf, President, Wilbur Smith Associates

Web Conferencing Contact
Jennifer Seplow

Technical Contacts
Scott Johnson

Eloise Freeman-Powell

“Talking Freight” Web Site:

U.S. Department
of Transportation

Federal Highway

FHWA, Office of Freight Management and Operations, and Office of Planning,
400 7th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20590,
Toll-free help-line 866-367-7487

EDL 13892

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