US Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement (C-50)

Information for Small Entities


This section of DOT's "Regulatory Information" website is particularly intended to provide small entities with information to help them effectively participate in DOT's rulemaking process and implement any final rules that apply to them.  The other information available on this website should also be of assistance to small entities.  By scrolling over the headings in the left margin on this page, you will get general descriptions of the other information provided.

DOT takes very seriously its regulatory responsibilities to small entities.  We have DOT policies regarding the rights of small entities to regulatory enforcement fairness and against retaliation for exercising those rights. We are proud that, on February 25, 2008, DOT was presented with a 2007 "Recognition of Excellence” award by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of the National Ombudsman for Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance Assistance.  The award is “For leadership in preserving regulatory fairness for America’s small businesses."