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Overview - Core Information Systems

Following is a list of the core operational information systems that the FMCSA maintains and/or with which it interoperates. This is not an all inclusive list of FMCSA systems. Additional peripheral systems currently exist to support specific FMCSA needs, such as the Rule Tracking System.


Central Systems
Field Systems
Office Systems
Related Systems and Program


Central Systems

These systems are hosted at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge , MA and utilize an Oracle database unless otherwise noted. Each system is operational and being enhanced.


A&I (Analysis and Information) Online

A&I Online ( is a web-based tool designed to provide quick and efficient access to descriptive statistics and analyses regarding commercial vehicle, driver, and carrier safety information. It is used by Federal and State enforcement personnel, as well as the motor carrier industry, insurance companies, and the general public. A&I was developed with Oracle.


EDMS (Electronic Document Management System)

EDMS ( allows for the storage and retrieval of documents, including compliance review, enforcement case, and safety audit documents, in a paperless environment. EDMS is the central repository for FMCSA documents. EDMS does include distributed client software to support the scanning process. Inputs include both scanned and electronically generated documents.


EMIS (Enforcement Management Information System)

EMIS is a web-based application ( used to monitor, track, and store information related to FMCSA enforcement actions. It manages and tracks all data associated with notifying the carrier, monitoring the carrier's response, determining whether further compliance action is required, and generating reports for various Headquarters, Service Center , and Division staff. It is the authoritative source for FMCSA enforcement data. Inputs include data from CaseRite and data entry.


InfoSys (FMCSA Information Systems Website)

The InfoSys website ( is used to distribute information and software regarding FMCSA Information Systems to FMCSA users and their State partners. The site includes both secure and non-secure sections. FMCSA and State users have access to both sections, while the public is limited to the non-secure section.



The KnowZone ( is an informational FMCSA intranet web site. Contents include policies, news items, directives, staff rosters, training and promotional opportunities, and security processes.


L&I (Licensing and Insurance) System

The L&I system is a client-server and web-based application( with both public and private access. It is used to enter and display licensing and insurance information regarding authorized for-hire motor carriers, freight forwarders, and property brokers. It is the authoritative source for FMCSA licensing and insurance data. L&I is part of the registration process.


MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System)

MCMIS is an information system that captures data from field offices through SAFETYNET, CAPRI , and other sources. MCMIS utilizes an Oracle database with a web front-end access ( It is a source for FMCSA inspection, crash, compliance review, safety audit, and registration data.


SAFER (Safety and Fitness Electronic Records)

SAFER consists of a web site ( that displays carrier information available to the public, a store and forward mailbox system, secondary databases, and communication links. It handles user queries, database refreshes, and inbound data transfers. SAFER is currently an integral communication link for most FMCSA data transfers.


QC (Query Central)

QC is a web-based application ( that retrieves safety compliance and enforcement data on commercial motor vehicle drivers, vehicles, and carriers from multiple sources using a single input. The response data is analyzed and summarized before being presented in the user's browser. Response data can also be downloaded to pre-populate ASPEN . Data sources include MCMIS, SAFER, L&I, PRISM, CDLIS, SCT and LIFIS (SCT and LIFIS contain Mexican carrier and driver information).


Field Systems

These systems are operated on field laptops. Each is written in Borland's Delphi and operates on laptops running the MS Windows operating system, unless otherwise noted. Also unless noted, each utilizes Paradox for its database. These applications do not require connectivity to a central site for operation. Each system is operational and continuously enhanced to meet regulatory and policy directives.



ASPEN is an application that collects all the commercial driver/vehicle roadside inspection details. It utilizes several other applications that pull data from remote sources - ISS, PIQ, CDLIS Access, and QC. It also includes communication features to electronically transfer inspection details to SAFER and/or SAFETYNET.


CAPRI (Compliance Analysis and Performance Review Information)

CAPRI is used for preparing Compliance Reviews and Safety Audits, as well as specialized cargo tank facility reviews, and hazardous material (HM) shipper reviews. CAPRI includes worksheets for collecting (1) hours of service data, (2) driver qualification data, and (3) drug and alcohol compliance data. It also creates the preliminary carrier safety fitness rating and various reports for motor carriers. It electronically transfers data to SAFETYNET and/or MCMIS.



CaseRite assists in the creation of legal enforcement cases for Federal prosecution of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) and the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations (FHMRs) violations. These case reports, after review and management approval, are uploaded to EMIS .


CDLIS (Commercial Driver's License Information System) Access

The CDLIS Access software is used to retrieve driver status and conviction history reports via a RAS (remote access server) connection to CDLIS. It accepts driver query data from ASPEN or CAPRI .


HMPIP (Hazardous Materials Package Inspection Program)

HMPIP is a browser-based application used during dock and vehicle inspections to record compliance problems with hazardous material packages. It can operate as a stand alone client or via a central site. Data collected while offline is moved to the central site when a network connection is available. Data collected using HMPIP will be used to establish shipper prioritization lists.


ISS (Inspection Selection System)

The ISS is the primary tool used on the roadside to screen motor carrier vehicles and determine the usefulness of conducting an inspection. ISS returns the carrier snapshot which includes critical safety performance indicators. It is linked to ASPEN to auto-populate id and address data fields and initiate the inspection. ISS uses a local database, but individual carrier data can be updated via a RAS connection to SAFER. Database updates are also available monthly via a web service.


PIQ (Past Inspection Query)

The PIQ accesses a national database of recent inspection reports. Currently this database contains inspection report data for the previous 60 days; however, this will be expanded in the near future to include 180 days. PIQ retrieves an exact facsimile of any previous inspection reports. This is completed via a RAS connection to SAFER.



ProVu is a viewer which allows Federal, State, and private industry users to electronically analyze standard motor carrier safety profile reports available from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This application displays nearly every data element found on the hard-copy version of the carrier profile in an easy-to-understand format which can be sorted, filtered, and optimized by users.


UFA (Uniform Fine Assessment)

UFA performs the calculation of a uniform and reasonable fine amount based on the nature of the violations and the various criteria set forth in the FMCSRs. UFA is optimized for Federal fine structures and is used with CAPRI and CaseRite.


Office Systems



SAFETYNET is a database management system that allows entry, access, analysis, and reporting of data from driver/vehicle inspections, crashes, compliance reviews, assignments, and complaints. It is operated at State safety agencies and Federal Divisions and interfaces with ASPEN , SAFER, MCMIS, and State systems. It is an Oracle based client-server application that runs on MS Windows servers.

Related Systems and Program


ACE / ITDS (Automated Commercial Environment / International Trade Data System)

ACE / ITDS is a project for the development of a system to collect all information for the integrated Federal government-wide processing of trade that crosses our borders. The ITDS system is being developed to improve trade procedures, trade promotion, trade policy development, and trade statistics to benefit both the Public and the Government. FMCSA involvement in ITDS includes the automated clearance of CMV drivers, vehicles, and carriers crossing the U.S. border. Development of ITDS will be coordinated with the development of the Customs Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), the broader Customs Modernization effort, and the current and future requirements of other agencies' processing systems.


CVIEW (Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window)

CVIEW is a state system that collects information from the commercial vehicle credentialing and tax systems to generate portions of the interstate carrier, vehicle, and driver snapshots and reports for exchange within the state (e.g., to roadside sites) and with the SAFER system.


CVISN (Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks)

The term CVISN refers to the collection of information systems and communications networks that support commercial vehicle operations. These include information systems owned and operated by governments, motor carriers, and other stakeholders. The CVISN program provides a framework or "architecture" that will enable government agencies, the motor carrier industry, and other parties engaged in commercial vehicle operations safety assurance and regulation to exchange information and conduct business transactions electronically. Further information is available at the site  (


NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunication System)

NLETS ( is a message switching network linking local, State, and Federal agencies together to provide the capability to exchange criminal justice and public safety related information interstate. The system is operated and controlled by the states. Every State is a member while federal systems such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Crime Information Center (NCIC), U.S. Treasury's Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS), Department of Justice's System (JUST), Postal Inspection Service, Naval Investigation Service, Interpol, Air Force OSI , U.S. Secret Service, Department of State, Immigration Service Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC), and other federal agencies also utilize the network. In 1990 an interface to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) was established. Additionally, the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) provides service to the NLETS community. It is anticipated that Query Central will access NLETS information in the future.


PRISM (Performance and Registration Information Systems Management)

The PRISM (PRISM) program includes two major processes - the Commercial Vehicle Registration Process and the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Process. These two processes work in parallel to identify motor carriers and hold them responsible for the safety of their operation. PRISM ties vehicle registration to the safety of the commercial vehicle company responsible for the vehicle(s). The performance of unsafe carriers is improved through a comprehensive system of identification, education, awareness, safety monitoring, and treatment.


State Traffic Record Systems

There are various State systems used as data collection and reporting tools for the public safety community. These systems provide organizations with an information management tool to streamline and automate the capture and transfer of incident data (i.e., citations, accidents, etc.) in the field. Using mobile computing technologies to capture and report incident data where it occurs, these systems improve the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of incident data and reduce user's administrative duties and paperwork. FMCSA is building generic import/export interfaces to support these State legacy systems.

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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
400 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339