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Depository Access to Online Subscription Services

In accordance with Title 44, United States Code, Federal agencies are required to provide depository libraries access to their information products that are within the scope of the FDLP. This often means making a product available through the Program for no fee while it might also be for sale. The following services are accessible via the Internet to depository libraries at no cost. Passwords are required and in some instances there may be restrictions on the number of simultaneous users.

Libraries must protect the passwords and may not disclose them. For questions about depository passwords, the designated depository coordinator or the library director should contact the GPO Customer Contact Center at or by calling
866-512-1800 (Toll-free), or 202-512-1800 (DC Metropolitan Area), Monday through Friday, 7:00 am - 9:00 pm, EST . We may only provide the National Climatic Data Center Online Document Library password by phone.

National Climatic Data Center Online Document Library

The National Climatic Data Center is providing no charge access for the Federal depository libraries to access their Online Document Library. Libraries may access several files with climatological data via this controlled access site.

The National Climatic Data Center's Online Document Library includes some titles that are available free of charge and others that require payment. The titles that require payment can be accessed with a user ID and password provided for depository use. The user must be in the library to access the database, and libraries must protect the user ID and password. At this time there is no limitation on the number of concurrent users able to access the database. The database is freely accessible to academic users with a .edu or a domain, so depositories in academic libraries should be able to use these publications without a password.

The fee-based titles included in the National Climatic Data Center Online Document Library are listed below and may be accessed with a user ID and password. To access these titles, please use the alternate URLs listed below:



A service of the Department of Commerce, STAT-USA/Internet is an online resource for current and historical business, trade, and global economic information. Data is available at the site within minutes of its official release.

If not previously submitted, depository libraries may be asked to register for this service by submitting the account validation form ( and agreeing to the terms of use.  STAT-USA Internet is only accessible from two workstations within the depository.  The user must be in the library to access the database, and libraries must protect the user ID and password.  Depository libraries may access USA Trade Online , another product of the agency STAT-USA , by using the same user ID and password that is used for STAT-USA/Internet. 

USA Trade Online

A service of STAT-USA and the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau in the Department of Commerce, USA Trade Online has import and export statistical information for over 18,000 commodities. Data is available at the site within minutes of its official release.

Depository libraries may access USA Trade Online by using the same ID and password that is used for STAT-USA/Internet.  If not previously submitted, depository libraries may be asked to register for STAT-USA/Internet and USA Trade Online by submitting the account validation form ( and agreeing to the terms of use. The user must be in the library to access the database, and libraries must protect the user ID and password. USA Trade Online is only accessible from two workstations within the depository.  Libraries that have purchased site licenses for STAT-USA/Internet but not USA Trade Online may still use the depository user ID and password for access to USA Trade Online, as long as they observe the usage restrictions for depository use for the database.

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