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Title:Top 10 DOT Management Challenges
Date:January 21, 2003
Project ID:PT-2003-012
Summary:We publicly released our annual report on DOT’s top management challenges for 2003. The challenges are: (1) accomplishing DOT’s core missions of safety and mobility during and after an effective transition of TSA and the Coast Guard; (2) reducing fatalities and injuries on our highways, emphasizing seat-belt-law enforcement; (3) reducing the risk of aviation accidents due to operational errors and runway incursions; (4) reversing FAA’s spiraling operating costs, improving aviation system capacity, and reauthorizing AIR-21; (5) clamping down on fraud, obtaining better value in highway and bridge investments, and reauthorizing TEA-21; (6) determining the future of intercity passenger rail; (7) ensuring highway safety as the southern border is opened to Mexican motor carriers under NAFTA; (8) strengthening computer security and investment controls for DOT’s multibillion-dollar information technology investment; (9) continuing to improve transportation security; and (10) meeting the Coast Guard’s safety and security missions.
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