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Title:DOT's Use of U.S. Treasury's Miscellaneous Receipts Accounts
Date:September 12, 2002
Project ID:FI-2002-108
Summary:We publicly released our audit report showing that DOT obtained about $49 million without authorization from U.S. Treasury "miscellaneous receipts" accounts between FY 1998 and 2001. We found that DOT spent about $37 million to finance four projects to renovate office space and develop financial management systems. No DOT employee gained personally from spending the Treasury's money. The current DOT Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs and Chief Financial Officer concurred with our recommendations, agreeing that the $49 million should be returned to the Treasury. The Assistant Secretary has already returned about $12.3 million and is working with the General Counsel on recording the remaining $37 million against DOT fiscal year appropriations.
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