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Title:Status Report on the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System
Date:July 03, 2001
Project ID:AV-2001-067
Summary:This report transmits our June 13 testimony before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation regarding the status of the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS). While FAA has nearly completed STARS software development, we continue to be concerned over FAA’s ability to deploy STARS within the current cost and schedule because of the compressed software testing schedule and delays in the development of a digital radar system needed to support STARS. We recommend that: 1) FAA complete a refined cost and schedule plan for the entire STARS program through 2008; 2) the contractor developing STARS revalidate its earlier program evaluation conclusions following the retest of STARS software scheduled for July 2001; and (3) FAA develop a viable contingency plan in the event that the program encounters further delays.
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