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Title:Quality Control Review of the FAA Administrative Services Franchise Fund’s FY07 and FY06 Financial Statements
Date:November 13, 2007
Project ID:QC-2008-010
Summary:On November 13, we issued a quality control review on the audit of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Administrative Services Franchise Fund fiscal years 2007 and 2006 financial statements. KPMG LLP, under contract to us and under our supervision, issued a clean (unqualified) audit opinion. However, KPMG identified three significant deficiencies in the Franchise Fund’s oversight and analytical review of financial statements, support for shipping documents, and information technology controls over the Franchise Fund and third–party systems and applications. In addition, KPMG identified one noncompliance issue concerning Public Law 104–205.

Complete Administrative Services Franchise Fund Financial Statements and a copy of KPMG’s report can be obtained from Mr. Mark Chisum or by calling him at (405) 954–0366.
Full document: PDF PDF document

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